Ch3 建構文章的梁柱-段落!
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Warm-up 課前預習
Basketball is popular and I love playing it. I have not played basketball for a long time but I am good at it. I always have fun. It is the best sport for me to relax.
Basketball is very popular in every country around the world. I am no exception; I love playing basketball. Since everyone knows how to play basketball and the rules to play are simple. I have not played basketball for a long time, but I am good at it. I always have fun when playing basketball since I am able to meet people with similar ideas and interests. With a ball and a basketball court, indoors or outdoors, I can play either alone or with others; it is the best sport for me to relax
holo英語聽力學習 hololive English -Myth-的異世界大冒險 跟hololive一起學習英語會話!
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