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  曾任美國First City Bank副總裁,也曾在國內擔任興國中學英文老師,是真正具有英文教學,暨美國企業經理人經驗的英語理論與實戰專家。

  著有[最新自助旅行美語]等50 餘種英語教材,暢銷台灣、港澳、大陸、星馬、韓國、美加地區。


Chapter 1 At Home 家居    
 Unit 1  In the Morning 早晨
Situation 1 In the Bedroom (在臥房)    
Situation 2 In the Bathroom (在盥洗室)    
Situation 3    Breakfast Time (早餐時候)    
 Unit 2  During the Day 一天之中
Situation 1 In the Living Room (在客廳)    
Situation 2 Reading the Newspaper (看報紙)    
Situation 3 Watching TV (看電視)    
Situation 4 Listening to the Radio (聽收音機)    
Situation 5 Someone Knocks on the Door (有人敲門)    
Situation 6 Telephone Rings (電話鈴響)    
 Unit 3  In the Evening  在晚間
Situation 1 Husband Comes Home from Work     (先生下班回來)    
Situation 2 Children Get Home from School     (小孩放學回家)    
Situation 3 Dinner Time (晚餐時間)    
Situation 4 Small Talk among the Family (家人閒聊)    
 Unit 4  Before going to Bed  就寢之前
Situation 1 Bedtime Story (床邊故事)    
Situation 2 In the Bathroom (在盥洗室)    
Situation 3 Ways to Say "I'm Going to Bed"     (「我要去睡覺了」的幾種說法)
 Unit 5  Meals at Home  在家吃飯
Situation 1    Before Meals (吃飯前)    
Situation 2    Table Manners (餐桌禮貌)    
Situation 3    Other Sayings Used at the Dinner     Table  (用餐的其他對話、用語)    

Chapter 2 Housework 家事    
 Unit 1  Cooking 烹飪
Situation 1 Breakfast (早餐)    
Situation 2 Lunch (中餐)    
Situation 3 Dinner (晚餐)    
 Unit 2  Kitchen Work 廚房雜事
Situation 1 Washing the Dishes (洗碗盤)    
Situation 2 Taking out the Garbage (拿垃圾出去)    
 Unit 3  Spring Cleaning 春季掃除
Situation 1 Clean your Room (清掃你的房間)    
Situation 2 Cleaning the House (清掃房子)    
Situation 3 Spring Cleaning (春季掃除)    
Situation 4 Cleaning the Bathroom (清洗浴室)    
Situation 5 Washing the Car (洗車)    
 Unit 4  Laundry 洗衣服
Situation 1 At the Laundromat (在洗衣店)    
Situation 2 Folding the Laundry (摺疊衣服)    
Situation 3 Dry-cleaning (乾洗)    
 Unit 5  Yard Work 院子工作
Situation 1 Mowing the Lawn (割草)    
Situation 2 Raking Leaves (耙葉子)    
Situation 3 Planting a Garden (開闢花園)    

Chapter 3  Shopping 逛街    
 Unit 1  Buying Clothes 買衣服
Situation 1 Department Stores (百貨公司)    
Situation 2 The Mall (購物中心)    
Situation 3 Trying on Clothes (試穿衣服)    
Situation 4 Is this Returnable?     (這個可以退還嗎?)    
 Unit 2  Buying Cosmetics  買化粧品
Situation 1 Where to Go? (在哪裡買的?)    
Situation 2 How do I Know which Colors are     right for me?
Situation 3 Buying Perfume (買香水)    
 Unit 3  At the Jewelry Store 在珠寶店
Situation 1 Where to Buy Jewelry? (到哪兒買珠寶?)
Situation 2 Jewelry (珠寶)    
 Unit 4  At a Shoe Store 在鞋店
Situation 1 Shoe Stores (鞋店)    
Situation 2 Buying Shoes (買鞋子)    
 Unit 5  At the Boutique 在專賣店裡
Situation 1 Antique Boutiques (古董專賣店)    
Situation 2 General Boutiques (一般專賣店)    
Situation 3 Specialized Boutiques (專賣店)    
 Unit 6  Buying Accessories 買附件品
Situation 1 Purses and Bags (錢袋跟手提包)    
Situation 2 Watches (手錶)    
Situation 3 Hair Accessories (髮飾品)    
Situation 4 Belts and Scarves (皮帶跟圍巾)    
 Unit 7  At the Optician's 在眼鏡行
Situation 1 Having your Eyes Tested (檢測視力)    
Situation 2 Near-sighted and Far-sighted     (近視跟遠視)    
Situation 3 Selecting Glasses (挑選眼鏡)    
Situation 4 Selecting Contacts (選擇隱形眼鏡)    
 Unit 8  Buying Food 買食物
Situation 1 Getting Ready to Go to the Grocery Store (準備上雜貨店)
Situation 2 Going to the Grocery Store (去雜貨店)    
Situation 3 Going to the Butcher's Shop (去肉舖子)
 Unit 9  Buying Flowers 買花
Situation 1 At the Grocery Store (在雜貨店)    
 Unit 10  Buying Fruit 買水果
Situation 1 At the Grocery Store (在雜貨店)    
Situation 2 At the Farmer's Market (在農夫市場)    
Situation 3 Fruit Stands (水果攤子)    

Chapter 4  At the Beauty Parlor 在美容院    
 Unit 1  Getting in 進去
Situation 1 Going Without an Appointment     (沒預約就去)    
Situation 2 Going With an Appointment     (有預約而去)    
 Unit 2  Hair Style 髮型
Situation 1 Shampoo, Set and Style     (洗頭、做頭髮和造型)
Situation 2 Just a Trim (只要稍做修剪)    
Situation 3 Getting a Permanent (燙髮)    
Situation 4 I need a New Style     (我需要一個新髮型)    
Situation 5 Dye Job (染髮)    
 Unit 3  Paying and Tipping 付款和小費
Situation 1 Paying (付款)    
Situation 2 Tipping (給小費)    
 Unit 4  At the Barber's Shop 在理髮廳
Situation 1 Haircut (剪髮)    
Situation 2 Shave (刮鬍子)    

Chapter 5  Transportation 交通    
 Unit 1  Getting Information 詢問路況
Situation 1 Asking for Directions (問路)    
Situation 2 Giving Directions (指示路)    
Situation 3 How Long Will It Take (要多久)    
Situation 4 How Far Is It (有多遠)    
 Unit 2  On the Plane 在飛機上
Situation 1 Arriving at the Airport Early     (提早到機場)    
Situation 2 Finding your Seat (找位子)    
Situation 3 Meals and Drinks (餐食和飲料)    
Situation 4 Luggage Claim (領取行李)    
 Unit 3  Buses 公車
Situation 1 Bus Schedules (公車時間表)    
Situation 2 City Buses (市內公車)    
Situation 3 Taking a Trip by Bus (搭巴士旅行)    
Situation 4 Tour Bus (觀光巴士)    
 Unit 4  Taking the Train 搭火車
Situation 1 Booking tickets (訂票)    
Situation 2 Riding on a Train (搭乘火車)    
 Unit 5  The Subway 地下鐵
Situation 1     Before Getting on the Subway     (搭地下鐵之前)    
Situation 2 Riding the Subway (搭地下鐵)    
 Unit 6  The Taxi 計程車
Situation 1 Getting a Taxi (攔計程車)    
Situation 2     Telling the Driver your Destination     (告訴司機你的目的地)    
Situation 3 Paying and Tipping (付款和付小費)    
 Unit 7  Driving a Car 開車
Situation 1 Signaling for a Turn (轉彎時打信號燈)    
Situation 2 Changing the Oil (換機油)    
Situation 3 Getting Gas (加汽油)    
 Unit 8  Boats 船
Situation 1 Cruises (海上旅遊)    
Situation 2     Motor Boats and Sail Boats     (電動快艇和帆船)    

Chapter 6  Entertainment 娛樂    
 Unit 1  Music音樂
Situation 1 What Kind of Music Do You Like?     (你喜歡哪種音樂?)
Situation 2 Concerts (音樂會)    
Situation 3 Operas and Symphonies (歌劇跟交響樂)    
 Unit 2  Movies 電影
Situation 1 What type of movies do you Like     best? (你喜歡哪一類電影?)    
Situation 2 Getting Tickets (買票)    
Situation 3 No Talking during the Film     (看電影時不要講話)    
Situation 4 Refreshments (點心)    
 Unit 3  TV  電視
Situation 1 What's on TV? (電視在演什麼?)    
Situation 2 The Remote Control (遙控器)    
Situation 3 VCRs (錄影機)    
Situation 4 Renting Movies (租電影片)    
 Unit 4  Parties  宴會
Situation 1 Having a Party (舉行宴會)    
Situation 2     Being Invited to a Party     (被邀請參加宴會)    
Situation 3 Attending a Party (參加宴會)    
 Unit 5  Books 書籍
Situation 1 Do You Read a Lot? (你常看書嗎?)    
Situation 2    Have You read any good books lately? (你最近看了什麼好書嗎?)    
Situation 3     Getting Books (買書)


  • ISBN:9789865972974
  • 叢書系列:英語系
  • 規格:平裝 / 256頁 / 15 x 21 x 1.28 cm / 普通級 / 雙色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣




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