在此謝謝我識出版社的同仁們與Kevin King老師同心協力讓《全球通用的服務業英文:用英文直接做生意,溝通零距離,成交最快速!》一書能夠順利上市,也謝謝家人的不斷支持,希望讀者們能在英語學習的道路上與我們一同向前邁進。
Hanna Hu
Did you know that almost 900 million people speak English and that it is the most spoken second language in the world?
Companies nowadays operate in a global environment and the ability to communicate effectively in English can provide you and your organisation with a critical competitive advantage.
You may have travelled overseas and experienced difficulties in shops or restaurants, or perhaps you have had customers who are unable to communicate fluently in Chinese. Although there are many English books available for people who wish to improve their English, it can be very difficult to find the words and phrases that are specific to your role or the industry you work in. The intention of this book is to provide you with a set of useful vocabulary and sentences that you won’t find in a standard ESL learners book.
Keeping your customers satisfied isn't always easy, especially when you don't speak the same language, but with this book no matter what industry you work in you will find a range of useful vocab, phrases and sentences to help you communicate with your customers as well as the confidence to use when you meet new customers.
Kevin King