Chapter1肚子餓了怎麼辦?When you are hungry…
Unit1準備大吃一頓!Grab a bite!
Unit2今天想來點什麼?Have an order
Unit4吃飽後該做的事Check, please!
Chapter2血拚去Go Shopping
Unit1貨比三家不吃虧Shopping around
Unit2萬能店員 We can do everything
Unit3最聰明的消費者Smartest consumers
Unit4售後心得 After you bought...
Chapter3慶祝時間Let’s Celebrate!
Unit1東方節慶Eastern festivals
Unit2西方慶典 Western holidays
Unit3全世界都瘋慶祝 Party time
Chapter4哥哥姐姐動起來 Get Started
Unit1來場刺激的 Excited games
Unit2球來就打 Get the ball rolling
Unit3地上跑&水裡游 Land & Water
Unit4全民瘋奧運 Olympics
Chapter5健康好重要The most important thing
Unit1 到處都在痛 Get hurt
Unit2 心痛的感覺 See the doctor
Unit3 用藥須注意 Medicine & Prescription
Unit4 健康愛顧好 Last but not least
Chapter6快樂上學去Go to School
Unit1 我要考第一名First place in my class
Unit2校園風雲榜 Classmates
Unit3 學校這個地方 The place called school
Unit4各種重大日子 Calender
Chapter7馬路如虎口Terrible traffic
Unit1行人要注意Watch out
Unit2駕駛要小心 Be careful
Unit3通勤族們 The commuters
Unit4特殊交通方式 Special way to somewhere
Chapter8 教你財源滾滾來Make lots of money
Unit1先找個工作吧Find a job
Unit2工作上的大小事 Lots of work
Unit3行行出狀元 Master it
Chapter9科技,始終來自人性Humanity makes technology
Unit1光速的世代 Internet generation
Unit2生活中無所不在 Everywhere in our lives
Unit3現代人的生命線 Modern people’s lifeblood.
Chapter10環遊世界8分鐘Travel around the world
Unit1 起飛囉!請繫好安全帶Fasten your seatbelt
Unit2 出門走跳去 Fooling around
Unit3 需要休息一下Take a rest
Unit4 平平安安回家 Come back safe and sound
Chapter11生活中的必要之美No Music No Life
Unit1進入音符的世界Enter the world of music
Unit2鎂光燈下Under the spotlight
Unit3傾聽最美的聲音The sound of music
Unit4跟我一起大聲唱Sing out Loudly
Chapter12一場視覺與聽覺的最高享受What a movie!
Unit1看電影去Go See a Movie
Unit3你也可以是電影名嘴Be a movie critic
Chapter13愛與和平救地球 Love & Peace
Unit1關於愛 About love
Unit2關於家庭 About family
Unit3關於差異 About different
Unit4關於恨 About hatred
Chapter14喜怒哀樂愛惡欲Changing your mind
Unit1 天天都有好心情 Happy every day
Unit2 天空藍藍的 The sky is blue
Unit3 下起午後雷陣雨 Thunderstorms
Unit4 複雜的心情天氣圖 So complicated
Chapter15我看見了……!I can tell…
Unit1星座好好玩 Star sign
Unit2東方主義 Mysterious East
Unit3別再相信沒有根據的說法了 Superstitious
Unit4科學也無法解釋 Unknown