Miss Nelson是個非常溫柔善良的老師,但她卻有一群非常不守規矩的學生,他們在課堂上折紙飛機、扮鬼臉,極盡調皮之能事,讓她從來沒能好好地上完一堂課。有一天Miss Nelson 終於受不了,決心做些改變,沒想到隔天她竟然消失不見,取而代之來上課的是一位長相醜陋、脾氣凶狠的 Miss Swamp,學生們只好乖乖完成每一樣 Miss Swamp 交代的作業,並在內心盼著 Miss Nelson 能早點回來……
The classic, hilarious story of a misbehaving class, their sweet teacher, and the legendary substitute teacher who restores order in their chaotic classroom.
Miss Nelson’s class always acts up--especially when their teacher is absent from school! But after a week with their strict substitute, Viola Swamp, the kids can’t wait for Miss Nelson to come back.
Full of tongue-in-cheek humor and James Marshall’s simply silly illustrations, this is the ultimate back-to-school book or teacher gift: Accept no substitute!
Plus don’t miss the companion books: Miss Nelson Is Back and Miss Nelson Has a Field Day!