Knife and Fork: Visual Identities for Restaurants, Food and Beverage

Knife and Fork: Visual Identities for Restaurants, Food and Beverage

  • 定價:1796

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  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
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  Original and unconventional visual identities from the world of eating, drinking, and hospitality. The hot topics of eating and drinking are spawning a range of small, creative companies with innovative concepts. These enterprises are making their own mustards, distilling their own liquor, selling handmade marmalades, or serving grandma's cake recipes in new ways. Although based on very different ideas, the businesses are all defined by their originality and personal character, which are then reflected and communicated in eye-catching visual identities. These start with names, logos, fonts, and colors and culminate in product, packaging, and shop design. Knife and Fork is a showcase of these unconventional visual identities and design concepts. As the featured coffee roasters, fusion food bistros, or chocolate manufacturers prove, the effectiveness of an integrated visual identity for this type of venture is more dependent on creative implementation than a big budget. The book presents labels on jam jars that are inspired by shop furnishings and company stationery designed to match its owners' aprons. It includes menus that are written by hand on chalkboards and business cards in colors that are used to garnish the dishes served. All of the examples represent a new generation of entrepreneurs, who understand how to creatively visualize business ideas and communicate them successfully across all channels. Whether their looks are minimalistic, nostalgic, or playful, all of the designs are characterized by the individual approach and initiative behind the various business concepts. Knife and Fork expands on our Introducing series that explores how small enterprises can create big design concepts. This book is an inspiration for anyone thinking about founding their own company and giving it an unforgettable look.



  • ISBN:9783899555356
  • 規格:精裝 / 256頁 / 24 x 28 x 3.58 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:其他地區




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