序言中《軍閥仍然處處有》的第二段最後一句是這麼翻譯的「然而傳說君士坦丁接受一項條件而投降」,讀到這句因為與上文不連貫不知所云因此去翻英文原版。原版為"Yet legend has it that Constantine had been offered a deal in the event of a surrender" 不論語句通不通順,不論對中文讀者來說是否易讀,首先扭曲原本的意思就是個很大的問題,再者若是那麼顯而易見且低級的錯誤,實在讓人對剩下內容失去信心。 這種態度不太適合翻譯一本傳遞思維的書,敘事性的小說或許沒人會吹毛求疵,但這本在翻譯上若不精確,不僅浪費讀者的時間,還可能扭曲作者的訊息。
It is not just that skin in the game is necessary for fairness, commercial efficiency, and risk management: skin in the game is necessary to understand the world.
First, it is bull***t identification and filtering, that is, the difference between theory and practice, cosmetic and true expertise, and academia (in the bad sense of the word) and the real world. To emit a Yogiberrism, in academia there is no difference between academia and the real world; in the real world, there is.
不敢相信這書和隨機騙局是同一個譯者。 抽了幾段對照英文版,其實語句結構是與英文相符的,但是譯者真的可以不要照單全收 Mr. Talab 風格的斷句 (什麼事talab風格斷句?去訂閱他的FB,看多你就懂了)啊... 譯者難為,但是就"讓中文讀者也能閱讀"的角度來說,確實是失敗了,也毀了這本書的傳達性。