Credit Score: Know How to Repair Your Credit Score Using Tried (How to Repair & Improve Credit Score and Increase Business Credit)
Wow! Did I ever learn a lot about credit reporting practices in just a few short pages & how to go about fixing my credit. What a fantastic tool this book is. I can't wait to implement all of the suggestions.
Self Defense: Easy and Effective Self Protection Whatever Your Age (The Ultimate Guide to Beginner Martial Arts Training Techniques)
I’ve trained in the martial arts for over 30 years, but I want something I can show my kids, that will help them when I’m not around. Most kids these days, don’t have the patience for traditional systems and belt progressions, and who can blame them? We live in troubled times, and need to be armed with simple techniques that will work.
Chess: Learn All Fundamentals to Play Chess Study Your Openings (The Essential Guide for Beginners to Win a Game of Chess Thr
Very enjoyable. It does a great job of bringing light to openings without the usual pedantic going on and on. There are some errors in notation but nothing you can't figure out. It was a happy day when I began reading this book.
Toddler Discipline: How to Discipline a Toddler Without Yelling (A Parenting Guide to Raising Your Children With the Positive Discipline)
I am a parent of a preschooler and toddler, as well as a MEd that runs parent and infant/toddler groups. This book is so concise, easy to read, and well written. It gives great advice and the author makes it feel like she is talking specifically to you. I recommend it to friends, family and my clients. Buy it now!
Guided Meditation: Tips to Find Your True Potential and Spiritual Connection in Life (Mindfulness Meditation Techniques to Relieve Stress
If you have been stressed and are looking for ways to become calmer, less stressed and happier, this is a great book that will help you with guided meditation. Meditation has been used for centuries as a way to help reduce stress and refocus. Imagine being able to reduce your anxiety by meditation.
Alcoholism Recovery: The Ultimate Guide on How to Kick Alcoholism Out of Your Life (The Alcohol Addiction Cleanse and Detox Guide for Begin
Addiction is devastating for all involved, I struggled writing my fourth step until I came upon this well written book. In my personal experience, it is the best guide to assist you with the hard work, discipline and required commitment. Excellent for both sponsors and sponsores.
Flat Earth: Conspiracy Theories About the Earth’s Surface (The Flat Earth Trilogy Book of Secrets Discovey Inside the Earth)
This book really hit home for me. Stress management is the key! I had no idea there were so many negative affects to overworking, one being a shorter lifespan.
Workaholic: An Easy Guide to Help Moderate Your Addiction (How to Break Work Addiction and Learn to Enjoy Family and Life)
This book really hit home for me. Stress management is the key! I had no idea there were so many negative affects to overworking, one being a shorter lifespan.
Bill Gates: Businessman and Co-founder of Tech Giant Microsoft (The Truth About Bill Gates’s Life and Business Success Revealed)
A very enjoyable and informative book that covered Mozart’s musical career and his personal life. The book was geared for the non-musician as it didn’t get into very technical issues on his works.
Mozart: The Life and Music of the Great Composer (The Lives and Legacies of History’s Most Famous Composers)
A very enjoyable and informative book that covered Mozart’s musical career and his personal life. The book was geared for the non-musician as it didn’t get into very technical issues on his works.
Pranayama: Breathing Techniques to Kundalini Awakening (Master the Art of Pranayama Breathing and the Ujjayi Breath)
I collect books with breath exercises to put together so I don't get bored doing the same old ones. This is a great addition to that collection that further varies my breath practice.
Retirement Planning: The Brief Guide to Lifelong Financial Freedom (Retirement Planning Guide for Dummies and How to Make Your Money Last)
I feel satisfied with each of the topics this guide has shown me that I have been able to stay active even after I have retired from work. Retirement life is not as bad as they say, but it's all thanks to the guidance I received from this material.
Screenplay: Tips and Tricks for Writing and Revising Screenplays (The Authoritative Guide for Converting Your Script Into a Novel)
If you have ever had the inkling to write a screenplay then this book is your bible. It will teach you the art of great screenplay writing and how to achieve your goal. Learn how to be original and when to decide whether to throw in some conflict or pull back a little. Mr. Monefa has given us all the tools we need in one wonderful little package that you can have at your fingertips when Inspiration is needed to keep you heading towards your goal of becoming one of the greats!!
Organic Perfumes: The Complete Guide To Making Simple And Easy Homemade Organic Perfume (All Natural Organic Perfumes Recipes For Beauti
I had no interest in making perfumes, but I do now!!!! This book makes it so interesting & easy to do. No wonder it had a good rating with so few readers. Straight to the facts, no bunch of repeating facts over & over. Very up front about the ingredients and what worked best for her. Tried & True!!!! Have items to make for other's !!!!
Small Talk: People Skills & Communication Skills You Need To Be Charismatic (Make Real Friends, Stop Anxiety and Increase Self-Con
I enjoyed this little book because it contains 'the meat and potatoes' without the fluff. It's packed with great advice including reasons for the way people react and how to handle numerous situations. This book also includes detailed real-life examples, which is incredibly useful for everyday life. I highly recommended this read for anyone struggling with shyness and those who'd like to be more outgoing.
Women Empowerment: Giving the Power Back to the Women of Today (A Short Insight to the History of Women in the Society)
I purchased the book to learn about the Psychology of Color and the impact color has in our lives. I gained insights on dealing with a variety of personalities instead. It was worth the purchase.
Success: How Teens Can Create Their Own Brilliant Future (Timeless Principles To Develop Inner Confidence And Create Authentic
Focus focus focus don’t focus on the negative focus on the positive don’t focus on how come there is poverty focus on being a part of a community that can help these are some of the things that I have gotten none of this book great book
Wicca for Beginners: A Guide to Cultivating Real Wiccan Beliefs (Useful for Improving Your and Your Loved Health and Happiness)
It helped me understand wicca there are so many bad reviews but to me this book helped me get what I need to know to start my gurney but this book may not be for everyone
Pranayama: The Breathing Techniques for Balance Healing (Master the Art of Pranayama Breathing and the Ujjayi Breath)
I like how it's right to the point. The author explains things and shows how they are done. Thorough yet not overkill on the details!! Easy to understand.