A Comprehensive Practice Book of English Grammar and Usage

A Comprehensive Practice Book of English Grammar and Usage

  • 定價:399
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  An easy-to-teach and easy-to-learn presentation of English grammar, usage, and exercises!

  Your smart choice for learning and enjoying English grammar

  Your excellent grammar makes you successful in school and in the business world.

  However, learning the rules has always been boring. That’s why A Comprehensive Practice Book of English Grammar and Usage is created.

  This book is an exercise book for A Comprehensive Handbook of English Grammar and Usage. It can help you to:

◆ Become comfortable with grammar rules and usage
◆ Avoid embarrassing grammar and usage mistakes
◆ Enlarge your vocabulary and improve your pronunciation
◆ Write lively English sentences

  ▼ Gain high scores on English tests

This practice book includes:

  ▼Easy, clear, and concise explanations of a wide variety of grammar rules

  ▼ Interesting unique rhyming example sentences

  ▼ Clear entry layout with extensive cross-references and vivid illustrations

  ▼ A wide diversity of creative lively exercises where you match, fill in the blanks, underline the correct answers, decide whether the sentences are right or wrong, correct the mistakes, and make up, rewrite, and reorganize sentences

  ▼ Special sections of Diving Deep Into English and Note, which will lead you to a better understanding of more complicated grammar rules, idiomatic usage, and differences between spoken and written English and between British and American English

  Everything in this book is designed to help you become a powerful user of English!

  A Chinese-English version is also available.



  • ISBN:9789861844138
  • 叢書系列:英語叢書
  • 規格:平裝 / 656頁 / 普通級 / 雙色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣




  • 【語言學習】2024凱信|開企電子書全書系書展,精雕細琢「語言腦」,豐富表達力,也鍛鍊思考力,全展82折起







  • 遠流領券
  • 兒童暑期閱讀
  • 台灣廣廈加碼