Southern Identity and Southern Estrangement in Medieval Chinese Poetry

Southern Identity and Southern Estrangement in Medieval Chinese Poetry

  • 定價:2822
  • 優惠價:92540
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  From ancient times, China's remote and exotic South—a shifting and expanding region beyond the Yangtze River—has been an enduring theme in Chinese literature. For poets and scholar-officials in medieval China, the South was a barbaric frontier region of alienation and disease. But it was also a place of richness and fascination, and for some a site of cultural triumph over exile. The eight essays in this collection explore how tensions between pride in southern culture and anxiety over the alien qualities of the southern frontier were behind many of the distinctive features of medieval Chinese literature. They examine how prominent writers from this period depicted themselves and the South in poetic form through attitudes that included patriotic attachment and bitter exile. By the Tang dynasty, poetic symbols and clichés about the exotic South had become well established, though many writers were still able to use these in innovative ways.

  Southern Identity and Southern Estrangement in Medieval Chinese Poetry is the first work in English to examine the cultural south in classical Chinese poetry. The book incorporates original research on key poets, such as Lu Ji, Jiang Yan, Wang Bo, and Li Bai. It also offers a broad survey of cultural and historical trends during the medieval period, as depicted in poetry. The book will be of interest to students of Chinese literature and cultural history.



  Ping Wang is assistant professor of Chinese at Princeton University.

  Nicholas Morrow Williams is research assistant professor at the Mr. Simon Suen and Mrs. Mary Suen Sino-Humanitas Institute, Hong Kong Baptist University.


  • ISBN:9789888139262
  • 規格:精裝 / 236頁 / 17 x 23 x 3.3 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:香港




  • 【考試用書、教科書】2024寶瓶文化電子書全書系:閱讀陪你,探索世界也療心,單書85折、雙書82折







  • 商務暢銷展_本本折20
  • 動植物展(止)
  • 存股族閱讀書展(止)