The Shopkeepers: Storefront Businesses and the Future of Retail

The Shopkeepers: Storefront Businesses and the Future of Retail

  • 定價:1980

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  • 【2015閱讀觀察 | 外文館】當科幻成為科技,科技重塑現實。


    金融時報麥肯錫商業書獎是各界年年關注的趨勢風向球,今年從入圍、決選到得獎者,以科技為主題的比例遠遠高於過往名單。滴兩滴藥水滋潤一下盯著螢幕太久的疲憊雙眼,讓我們跟著這條線索,回顧一整年的外文書市動態。 The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep 網路與智慧型手機的普及影響力無遠弗屆, more
  • 結合熱情與日常,他們是連鎖通路與電子商務最可敬的對手

    文/Kai Lin2015年11月13日

    Shopping creates meanings, the meanings creates life. 進階版的商店不是委託行, 店主的想法深深影響著進店的顧客,並尋求認同。 擺盪後的人性回歸,創新中的復古感全球化後的大反撲,讓消費趨勢出現變化。以往大量複製商品與生活狀態的模式開始被檢驗,消費者興起「大,未必好」的認知, more


  從理髮店、裁縫店、文具行到咖啡廳,這些特色商店就是這些匠人實踐夢想、大展職人道之所在,也呈現他們對生活的美好想像。商店涵蓋各行各業,有些隱身在人跡罕至的地方,也有些就位於大城市的精華地段。《The Shopkeepers》帶領讀者遊歷這些創意店家,除了領略店主背後獨特的小故事,也一窺這些特色商店獨有的多樣性及創意。(文/ 博客來編譯)

  In the age of online shopping, opening a store and becoming a shopkeeper seems like a bold move. Yet from Vienna to Vancouver, storefronts are emerging once again as worthy opponents to commercial corporations. Customers embrace individual businesses that share the distinctive knowledge, personalities, vision, and humor of their owners.
  Whether brand new and based on innovative ideas or passed down for generations and revamped, the stores and their shopkeepers featured in this book stand out for the singular experience they provide to their customers and the personal selection of items they sell. The Shopkeepers celebrates the diversity and creativity of brick-and-mortar businesses, telling the stories of the shops and their unique owners.
  More About This Book
  Good stores still exist. In fact, their number is growing. Well-designed specialty shops that are inspired by the small manufacturers and mom-and-pop operations of the past are now sprouting up. These outlets are defying e-commerce and anonymous online shopping with outstanding products, original interior design, innovative concepts, and, first and foremost, friendly and competent customer service.
  The Shopkeepers explores this new store culture through examples such as barber shops, fish smokeries, tailors, and milliners, as well as retail spaces specializing in stationery, hardware, buttons, home décor, or coffeemakers. They can be found off the beaten track as well as in the hearts of major cities from Vienna to Vancouver. The book makes it clear that they are all driven by the passion that their founders and operators have for their business ideas and products, whether vintage eyeglasses, textiles from India or China, specialty books, soaps, olive oils, or tropical fish. While some shops are based on innovative ideas, others are reinterpretations of traditional family businesses.
  The Shopkeepers introduces the personalities behind these exciting retail concepts. Many have been running their shops for years but are only now being recognized by a new generation of consumers for their acumen, integrity, and knowledge—from shoemakers who truly understand their craft to culinary experts who can differentiate between 200 types of chocolate or cheese with their eyes closed. Some are such interesting characters that the chance to interact with them is reason enough to attract potential customers.
  A celebration of the diversity and creativity of brick-and-mortar businesses, The Shopkeepers tells compelling stories of singular shops and their unique owners.



  • ISBN:9783899555905
  • 規格:精裝 / 21 x 14.8 x 1.5 cm / 普通級
  • 出版地:德國




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