English Made Easy, Volume Two: A New ESL Approach: Learning English Through Pictures

English Made Easy, Volume Two: A New ESL Approach: Learning English Through Pictures

  • 定價:682
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  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可取貨點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
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《English Made Easy》以簡單的方式,教導初學者了解單字、文法,以及這些英文在社交場合的實際用法。對自學學生來說,本書圖片與文章並陳的內容安排方式,可協助學生輕鬆學會每一章節,清楚了解英文的運作方式。本書應用的圖像理論奠基於清楚的語言結構以及語言學習經驗,




  《English Made Easy》以簡單的方式,教導初學者了解單字、文法,以及這些英文在社交場合的實際用法。對自學學生來說,《English Made Easy》圖片與文章並陳的內容安排方式,可協助學生輕鬆學會每一章節,清楚了解英文的運作方式。



English Made Easy is a fun and user-friendly way to learn English

It is a breakthrough in English language learning--imaginatively exploiting how pictures and text can work together to create understanding and help learners learn more productively. It gives beginner English learners easy access to the vocabulary, grammar and functions of English as it is commonly used in a comprehensive range of social situations. Self-guided students and classroom learners alike will be delighted by the way they are helped to progress smoothly from one unit to the next, using a combination of pictures and text to discover for themselves how English works. The pictorial method used in this book is based on a thorough understanding of language structure and how language is successfully learned. The authors are experienced English language teachers with strong backgrounds in language analysis and language learning.

English Made Easy, Volume 2 consists of a total of 20 units arranged in groups of five. The first four units present language and provide learners the opportunities to practice as they learn. The first page of each unit has a list of all the words and phrases to be learned in that unit, together with a pronunciation guide. At the end of each unit, an entertaining story which uses the language that has just been learned is presented. The fifth unit in each group contains exercises designed to reinforce the language learned in the first four units.



Jonathan Crichton has over fifteen years’ experience in teaching and research in English language education and has published widely in related areas. He holds a Ph.D. in Linguistics and an MA in Applied Linguistics.

Pieter Koster has many years experience in English language education and the design and development of learning materials. He is the author of four school textbooks published by MacMillan in Japan and Compass in Korea and Taiwan.



  • ISBN:9780804845250
  • 規格:平裝 / 192頁 / 25.7 x 19.1 x 1.5 cm / 普通級
  • 出版地:美國




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