Build a Next-Generation Digital Workplace: Transform Legacy Intranets to Employee Experience Platforms

Build a Next-Generation Digital Workplace: Transform Legacy Intranets to Employee Experience Platforms

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Evolve your traditional intranet platform into a next-generation digital workspace with this comprehensive book. Through in-depth coverage of strategies, methods, and case studies, you will learn how to design and build an employee experience platform (EXP) for improved employee productivity, engagement, and collaboration.

In Build a Next-Generation Digital Workplace, author Shailesh Kumar Shivakumar takes you through the advantages of EXPs and shows you how to successfully implement one in your organization. This book provides extensive coverage of topics such as EXP design, user experience, content strategy, integration, EXP development, collaboration, and EXP governance. Real-world case studies are also presented to explore practical applications.

Employee experience platforms play a vital role in engaging, empowering, and retaining the employees of an organization. Next-generation workplaces demand constant innovation and responsiveness, and this bookreadies you to fulfill that need with an employee experience platform.

You will:

  • Understand key design elements of EXP, including the visual design, EXP strategy, EXP transformation themes, information architecture, and navigation design.
  • Gain insights into end-to-end EXP topics needed to successfully design, implement, and maintain next-generation digital workplace platforms.
  • Study methods used in the EXP lifecycle, such as requirements and design, development, governance, and maintenance
  • Execute the main steps involved in digital transformation of legacy intranet platforms to EXP.
  • Discover emerging trends in digital workplace such as gamification, machine-led operations model and maintenance model, employee-centric design (including persona based design and employee journey mapping), cloud transformation, and design transformation.
  • Comprehend proven methods for legacy Intranet modernization, collaboration, solution validation, migration, and more.

Who This Book Is For

Digital enthusiasts, web developers, digital architects, program managers, and more.



Dr. Shailesh Kumar Shivakumar is an inventor, author and Senior Architect specializing in digital technologies. He is an award-winning digital technology practitioner with skills in technology and practice management and has experience in the wide spectrum of digital technologies, including enterprise portals, content systems, enterprise search, and other open source technologies. He has over 18 years of industry experience and was the chief architect in building a digital platform, which won the "Best Web Support Site 2013" global award. He is a Guinness world record holder of participation for successfully developing a mobile application in a coding marathon.

Shailesh holds a PhD in Computer Science from IGNOU, a central university of India and has completed the Executive Program in Business Management Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta (IIMC). He is the sole author of seven technical books that are published by world’s top academic publishers. He also has published twelve technical white papers and has authored eight textbook chapters for undergraduate programs.

Shailesh is the sole inventor of two inventions related to web security and personalization and holds two granted US patents.He also has two more patent applications. Shailesh is a frequent speaker at events such as IEEE conferences and Oracle JavaOne. He has published more than 10 papers in international journals and is a member of editorial board for two international journals.



  • ISBN:9781484255117
  • 規格:平裝 / 369頁 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




  • 10/3~10/8限定 點睛品 光輝十月品牌大賞 下殺75折起 滿額領券9折起









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