Virtual Experiments in Mechanical Vibrations: Structural Dynamics and Signal Processing

Virtual Experiments in Mechanical Vibrations: Structural Dynamics and Signal Processing

  • 定價:7150

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The first book of its kind to explain fundamental concepts in both vibrations and signal processing using MATLAB virtual experiments

Students and young engineers with a strong grounding in engineering theory often lack the practical skills and knowledge required to carry out experimental work in the laboratory. Fundamental and time-consuming errors can be avoided with the appropriate training and a solid understanding of basic concepts in vibrations and/or signal processing, which are critical to testing new designs.

Virtual Experiments in Mechanical Vibrations: Structural Dynamics and Signal Processing is designed for readers with limited knowledge of vibrations and signal processing. The intention is to help them relate vibration theory to measurements carried out in the laboratory. With a hands-on approach that emphasizes physics rather than mathematics, this practical resource explains fundamental concepts in vibrations and signal processing. It uses the concept of a virtual experiment together with MATLAB to show how the dynamic properties of vibration isolators can be determined, how vibration absorbers can be designed, and how they perform on distributed parameter structures.

Readers will find that this text:

  • Allows the concepts of experimental work to be discussed and simulated in the classroom using a physics-based approach
  • Presents computational virtual experiments using MATLAB examples to determine the dynamic behaviour of several common dynamic systems
  • Explains the rationale of virtual experimentation and describes typical vibration testing setups
  • Introduces the signal processing tools needed to determine the frequency response of a system from input and output data
  • Includes access to a companion website containing MATLAB code

Virtual Experiments in Mechanical Vibrations: Structural Dynamics and Signal Processing is a must-have resource for researchers, mechanical engineers, and advanced undergraduate and graduate students who are new to the subjects of vibrations, signal processing, and vibration testing. It is also an invaluable tool for universities where the possibilities of doing experimental work are limited.



Michael J Brennan, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Brazil
Michael Brennan has extensive experience in teaching, research and consulting in the area of vibrations and signal processing. He was a Professor at the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research at Southampton University until September 2010, when he moved to the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). He has taught vibrations and signal processing at undergraduate and post-graduate levels, and has supervised about 30 Doctoral students and about 20 MSc students to successful completion. He has authored or co-authored approx. 140 journal papers and approx. 150 conference papers.



  • ISBN:9781118307977
  • 規格:精裝 / 320頁 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:美國




  • 畢業求職攻略|審視自身籌碼,靠甄試、證照脫穎而出。國營事業、金融考照、職訓檢定、教師甄試,畢業考試書展7折起









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