Mankind would not have made the new age, encountering the crisis at the end of the last century, that almost wiped them out...if it weren\\’t for ””them””.
-In 1969, ””they”” who were still in their youth, created a symbol. In 1997, as the footst”
古谷實的《不道德的祕密》 庸才也者,大偽裝者也 漫畫原著與電影《庸才》 漫畫原著與電影《20世紀少年》 看過不少漫改電影,其中兩部讓我聯想起生命裡很重要的歌曲。一部是園子溫的《庸才》,改編自古谷實的《不道德的祕密》,讓我想起Jackson Browne的傳世佳作〈Pretender〉;一部是堤幸彥的《 more Mankind would not have made the new age, encountering the crisis at the end of the last century, that almost wiped them out...if it weren\\’t for ””them””.
-In 1969, ””they”” who were still in their youth, created a symbol. In 1997, as the footst”