This world is fast becoming a global village. As we know, knowledge is power. Now that Taiwan is eager to join international trade organizations, our individual competitiveness must be strengthened with foreign language learning. None of us can afford to be out of date.
Let’s examine what language is, and how to improve your skills. In the English language, you’ll find six basic types of words. We need them all to communicate. Language is a structured set of characters, words, sentences, and letters that are used to clearly communicate something to other people. English is basically made up of nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, and determiners. All are found in this dictionary. Other dictionaries may not present actual everyday communicative examples as deeply as this one does. The thematic grouping of words is quite valuable because that is the way we really think. This book give you controlled, meaningful practice. It will help you correct errors in your regular speech. All of us need to focus on forming our grammar and use sentence targets in context. Simple memorization won’t do.
ACME has designed this handy dictionary to reach all different needs. It is arranged not only alphabetically but thematically plus Japanese vocabulary, which makes it the unique edition in Taiwan. The conversations are based upon guidelines from the MOE (Ministry of Education). You’ll learn a wide vocabulary plus important communicative skills through sample conversations, definitions, rich pictures and more. It also covers semantics, syntax and correct grammar from this dictionary.
世界脈動以朝向地球村的模式發展,我國也積極加入世界各大貿易組織,唯有努力吸取新知、培養專業知識與英語溝通能力者,才不至於被時勢所淘汰,走在時代的前端,擁有不受威脅之競爭力(Knowledge is power.)。
我們除了對字意的理解之外,更要對詞句組合之架構深入了解,才能以英語為溝通工具,傳達語言之正確訊息。世一文化有鑑於此,特為眾多語言學習的莘莘學子依主題方式編排,並佐以能符合溝通情境之生活會話,讓使用者不僅學習單字,並進而了解語法結構、架構溝通能力(communicative competence)。而編排方式之主題及字母順序交叉查詢方式,便易發展與記憶單字之累積量,而本書所涵蓋之內容廣泛所囊括之主題皆符合教育部公布之英語教學主題式之教學內容。