Preface 序 ......................................... i
1 即便啟齒 ............................... 002
(toilet, restroom, bathroom, washroom, water closet, lavatory, powder room, ladies’ room, women’s room, gentlemen’s room, men’s room)
2 取消資格 ............................... 004
(disqualify, unqualify, unfit, unprepared, incompetent, inadequate)
3 毫無保留 ............................... 006
(unqualified, absolute, complete, perfect, outright, sheer, thorough, utter)
4 人人有份 ............................... 008
(people, person, individual, chairperson, salesperson, spokesperson)
5 愚不可及 ............................... 010
(idiot, bonehead, nincompoop, imbecile, empty jack-o-lantern, suntanned ham-loaf, sweet potato)
6 說三道四 ............................... 012
(say, remark, observe, comment, opine, point out)
7 犬吠狼嘷 ............................... 014
(bark, roar, growl, howl, bleat, purr, twitter, crow, caw, coo)
8 樂而後笑 ............................... 016
(laugh, guffaw, chortle, giggle, grin, brim, chuckle, grin, beam, simper, smirk)
9 不能接受 ............................... 018
(unacceptable, intolerable, inadmissible, unbearable, unendurable, insufferable)
10 孰不可忍 ............................... 020
(deplorable, awful, dreadful, wretched, miserable)
11 碩大無朋 ............................... 022
(big, large, huge, vast, colossal, enormous)
12 嬌小玲瓏 ............................... 024
(small, little, minute, tiny, minute, dainty, delicate)
13 吝嗇事實 ............................... 026
(lie, misrepresentation, misstatement, inaccuracy, mendacity, duplicity, deceit, deception, fabrication)
14 荒謬可笑 ............................... 028
(laughable, ludicrous, ridiculous, farcical, funny, absurd, preposterous)
15 新年快樂 ............................... 030
(merry, happy, glad, pleased, delighted, cheerful, thrilled, overjoyed)
16 黃金歲月 ............................... 032
(ageing, old, elderly, senior, geriatric)
17 青春常駐 ............................... 034
(young, youthful, juvenile, immature, green, childish, puerile, childlike)
18 髒話連篇 ............................... 036
(shit, dirt, dung, droppings, poo, poo poo, poop)
19 預知未來 ............................... 038
(predict, foretell, forecast, prophesy)
20 驕傲自大 ............................... 040
(proud, arrogant, conceited, cocky, complacent, haughty, supercilious, haughty, snobbish, boastful, bragging, pompous)
21 謙虛謹慎 ............................... 042
(humble, modest, self-effacing, reserved, shy, bashful, diffident)
22 勝任能幹 ............................... 044
(good at, great, wonderful, marvellous, incredible, competent, efficient, proficient, capable, skilled, skilful)
23 顢頇無能 ............................... 046
(incompetent, inefficient, incapable, clumsy, bungle, maladroit)
24 非法行為 ............................... 048
(unauthorized, unlicensed, illegal, unlawful, illegitimate, illicit)
25 國富民豐 ............................... 050
(rich, wealthy, well off, better-off, affluent, prosperous)
26 貧窮無助 ............................... 052
(poor, needy, penniless, hard up, broke, destitute of, impoverished, poverty-stricken)
27 合理可信 ............................... 054
(plausible, possible, convincing, credible, believable)
28 意見一致 ............................... 056
(consensus, in agreement with, in accord with, concurrence, by common / mutual consent)
29 爭論不休 ............................... 058
(controversy, conflict between / over, a bone of contention, disagreement between / over, an apple of discord)
30 堅決維護 ............................... 060
(uphold, adhere to, adhere to, persist in, maintain, sustain, defend, protect, safeguard)
31 促進鼓勵 ............................... 062
(promote, advocate, champion, encourage, support, facilitate, endorse, back)
32 不敢苟同 ............................... 064
(object, oppose, collaborate, disapprove of, disagree with, dissent from, protest against, complain of / about / against)
33 互相勾結 ............................... 066
(cooperate with / on, collude with / in, collaborate, conspire, connive, plot)
34 公平合理 ............................... 068
(fair, reasonable, equitable, evenhanded, impartial, unbiased)
35 有欠公允 ............................... 070
(unfair, unjust, prejudiced, biased, discriminatory, intolerant)
36 發展進步 ............................... 072
(develop, expand, advance, evolve)
37 粗言穢語 ............................... 074
(offensive, insulting, rude, crude, indecent, foul, abusive, derogatory, pejorative)
38 待人以禮 ............................... 076
(polite, courteous, civil, cordial, respectful, deferential, diplomatic)
39 無知無邪 ............................... 078
(naive, gullible, credulous, susceptible to, simple-minded, unsophisticated, innocent, artless, guileless, ingenuous)
40 叛逆難教 ............................... 080
(disobedient, mischievous, naughty, rebellious, defiant, wilful, headstrong, refractory, wayward, unruly, disorderly,
41 溫良馴服 ............................... 082
(obedient, amenable, dutiful, compliant, submissive, docile, subservient, obsequious, servile, fawning, abject)
42 冷酷無情 ............................... 084
(inhumane, cruel, brutal, vicious, callous, heartless, hard-hearted, merciless, pitiless, heartless)
43 宅心仁厚 ............................... 086
(humane, charitable, generous, benevolent, magnanimous)
44 苛捐雜稅 ............................... 088
(tax, customs, excise, duty, tariffs, levies)
45 以食為天 ............................... 090
(eat, consume, ingest, bolt, devour, wolf, gobble)
46 細嚼慢嚥 ............................... 092
(bite, gnaw, chew, masticate, munch, ruminate, swallow, gulp)
47 失儀蝦碌 ............................... 094
(gaffe, faux pas, a blunder in etiquette, impropriety, indecorum, impropriety, indecorum)
48 小差大錯 ............................... 096
(mistake, error, blunder, howler, inaccuracy, omission, slip)
49 不准發聲 ............................... 098
(hush, gag, muzzle, silence, mute)
50 生財有道 ............................... 100
(income, pay, wage, salary, emolument, honorarium)
51 誰是內鬼 ............................... 102
(traitor, betrayer, whistle-blower, informer, tattler)
52 導航北斗 ............................... 104
(lodestar, role model, guide, prototype, paradigm, paragon, epitome, embodiment)
53 亂七八糟 ............................... 106
(chaotic, disordered, confused, tumultuous, turbulent)
54 衝動魯莽 ............................... 108
(impetuous, impulsive, rash, headlong, foolhardy, imprudent, hot-headed, ill-considered, immature, thoughtless, reckless)
55 互相挖苦 ............................... 110
(harsh, blunt, sharp, tart, testy)
56 努力奮鬥 ............................... 112
(try, attempt, endeavor, strive, struggle, do one’s best, make an effort, have a go)
57 引起情緒 ............................... 114
(kindle, ignite, inflame, spark, arouse, excite, stimulate)
58 總有希望 ............................... 116
(hope, wish, ambition, aspiration, desire, dream, expectation, anticipation)
59 灰心失望 ............................... 118
(hopeless, despairing, desperate, despondent, disheartened, forlorn)
60 一無是處 ............................... 120
(good-for-nothing, ne’er-do-well, rubbish, deadbeat, failure, slouch)
61 泰然自若 ............................... 122
(calm, composure, equanimity, sangfroid)
62 反覆無常 ............................... 124
(capricious, unpredictable, mercurial, fickle, volatile, whimsical)
63 轉彎抹角 ............................... 126
(tortuous, winding, sinuous, convoluted, complicated, complex)
64 讚頌之辭 ............................... 128
(eulogy, tribute, citation, encomium, panegyric)
65 大方得體 ............................... 130
(decency, civility, decorum, propriety, dignity)
66 誤以為真 ............................... 132
(delusion, illusion, hallucination, misconception, self-deception)
67 推陳出新 ............................... 134
(new, fresh, novel, innovative)
68 時來運轉 ............................... 136
(change, alternation, adjustments, amendment, modification)
69 令人驚訝 ............................... 138
(surprise, amaze, astonish, astound, startle, stun, shock)
70 功敗垂成 ............................... 140
(fail, fall through, miscarry, collapse, break down)
71 東成西就 ............................... 142
(succeed, manage to, pull off, achieve, accomplish, realise, fulfil, complete, reach)
72 細說因由 ............................... 144
(explained, clarify, elaborate, expound, enlighten, interpret)
73 個別事件 ............................... 146
(event, incident, happenings)
74 二次創作 ............................... 148
(parody, burlesque, caricature, copy, imitate, ape, emulate)
75 含沙射影 ............................... 150
(suggest, hint, imply, indicate, insinuate, intimate)
76 政府停擺 ............................... 152
(shutdown, closedown, closure, cessation, suspension, halt)
77 停薪留職 ............................... 154
(furlough, leave, suspension,)
78 抱恙在身 ............................... 156
(illness, sickness, disease, complaint, condition, disorder, infection, malady, ailment, indisposition, seizure)
79 酒酣耳熱 ............................... 158
(drunk, intoxicated, legless, paralytic, over the limit, blasted, blitzed, boozy, fried, juiced, ripped, wiped out, in the bag)
80 銅牆鐵壁 ............................... 160
(walls, fences, blockades, barricades, barriers)
81 脫歐百態 ............................... 162
(Brexit, exit, quit, withdraw from, pull out from)
82 罪犯天堂 ............................... 164
(haven, refuge, sanctuary, shelter, hideaway, hideout)
83 忠實朋友 ............................... 166
(loyal, faithful, staunch, steadfast, unswerving, unwavering, unfaltering)
84 背信棄義 ............................... 168
(disloyal, faithless, unfaithful, treacherous, perfidious, deceitful, traitorous, false)