The Buddhist Maritime Silk Road

The Buddhist Maritime Silk Road

  • 定價:360
  • 優惠價:95342
  • 本商品單次購買10本9折324
  • 運送方式:
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  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
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  The Buddhist Maritime Silk Road recounts the magnificent history of the world of Maritime Buddhism from a diverse range of aspects—the various Buddhist traditions, pilgrims and monks, causes and conditions, norms and rituals, cross-cultural relations between East and West, as well as the intricacies of navigation technology, and migrations of the Austronesian peoples—all remarkable and crucial elements of the transmission of Buddhism brought to new heights of importance.
  In this book, Dr. Lewis R. Lancaster innovatively shifts the focus to documenting the dynamic networks and systems of interchange in Eurasia, instead of the common approach of historical, event-structured analysis. The fascinating history of the spread of Buddhism begins in the early years of the Common Era, when animal caravans began treading across the inland routes between India and China, evolving as sea routes flourished over centuries. It emerges that Buddhism flowed and thrived along with the beating pulse of the trading networks. The northern overland and southern maritime trading routes converged, conjuring forth an iconic cycle described by Lancaster as “The Great Circle of Buddhism.”
  The book consists of five chapters:
  • Introduction
  • Origin and Spread of Buddhism
  • The Great Circle of Buddhism and Its Rim
  • Buddhism along the Sea Routes
  • Conclusion


Lewis R. Lancaster
  Dr. Lewis R. Lancaster is Emeritus Professor of the Department of East Asian Languages at the University of California, Berkeley, USA. He is also the founder and Director of the Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative (ECAI). He has published and edited numerous books on Buddhism, including Prajnaparamita and Related Systems, The Korean Buddhist Canon, Buddhist Scriptures, Early Ch’an in China and Tibet, and Assimilation of Buddhism in Korea. He is a leading figure in the digitization endeavors of Buddhist texts, a contemporary practice in the Buddhist scholarly world today. He is also now guiding the Atlas of Maritime Buddhism project.


Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction 
1.Cross-Regional Connections in Eurasia
2.Reconstructing the History of Trade
Chapter 2 Origin and Spread of Buddhism
1.Urbanization and Mercantile Activities in the Buddha’s Time
2.Monsoon and Its Impact on the Sangha Community
3.Relics and Stupa Veneration after the Buddha’s Nirvana
4.Beyond the Boundaries of Indian Peninsula
5.Buddhist Expansion in a Great Circle
Chapter 3 The Great Circle of Buddhism and Its Rim
1.Traces of Maritime Commerce and Buddhism
2.Maritime Trade as an Essential Support for Buddhist Transmission
3.Formation of Cities and Buddhist Communities
4.Buddhist Teachings and Pilgrimages along The Great Circle
Chapter 4 Buddhism along the Sea Routes
1.Early Buddhism
4.Reformed (Theravada)
Chapter 5 Conclusion
1.Buddhist Expansion in a Mandala-like Structure
2.Spread of Buddhism in East Asia: Developing New Routes
List of Illustrations
Illustration Credits

  This book summarizes a transformative account of the development and spread of Buddhism. It represents both the fruit of a lifetime of dedicated scholarship and also an enthusiasm for collaboration.
  A quarter of a century ago Professor Lancaster invited a diverse group of scholars to meet at his home to discuss how learning in the humanities and social sciences could be aided by greater attention to time and place. The outcome was the formation of the Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative (ECAI), a rather informal collaboration for which the University of California, Berkeley, School of Information provides an administrative base. The designation “Initiative” is significant since ECAI is not a project, a center, or a program, but it has always been a vehicle to encourage and to promote the work of others by means of community building, workshops, the promotion of best practices, the development of new techniques, and demonstration by example. This book exemplifies and illustrates the ECAI approach.
  This text was created to accompany the advanced exhibits created to reveal a new understanding of the spread of Buddhism. It is also noteworthy in two other ways. First, in the best tradition of scholarship, it constitutes a challenge to received opinions and assumptions and, second, it makes use to a remarkable extent of an unusually diverse range of evidence, including DNA, wood preserved in mud, and metallurgical analysis, in addition to the usual textual and archaeological evidence, not to mention the highly advanced photography and projections for the exhibit it was written to accompany.
Michael K. Buckland
Professor Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley
                                      Co-Director, Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative


  • ISBN:9789574576326
  • 叢書系列:文選叢書
  • 規格:平裝 / 224頁 / 17 x 23 x 1.5 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣


5. Buddhist Expansion in a Great Circle
The history of contact between these two major regions of China and India was not limited to cargo and economic gain. Along those corridors that defined the mapping of the systems of interaction, culture, religious practice and belief came along with merchants. If we map Buddhist expansion over time and place, it can be roughly described as a “circle.” I have called it The Great Circle of Buddhism. In many ways, the Circle functions as a “rim” that marks the outer regions where the Buddhist tradition was found. I was inspired to think of the Buddhist world as a circle by the diary of an eighth-century Korean monk, Hyecho, who made his way from Korea down the coastline of China, through the islands and coastal ports of the southern seas until he arrived in India. There, he chose to continue his journey through Inner Asia back to China. It is important to consider that this monk knew that he could go down to the seaport in Korea and travel by ship to India. He had knowledge of the Great Circle and was able to follow its rim. His diary, probably recopied by a scribe at Dunhuang caves in Western China, was eventually placed in the famous cache of documents found in Cave 17 and there it was preserved. Paul Pelliot, the French sinologist found it in the early years of the twentieth century during his visit to Dunhuang. He made it known to the world and Korea. Since Hyecho stayed in China until his death and never returned to his homeland, knowledge of him in Korea was lost until his travel record was uncovered on the distant rim of his Great Circle journey, centuries after his lifetime.




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