

  • 定價:299
  • 優惠價:87260
  • 運送方式:
  • 臺灣與離島
  • 海外
  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可取貨點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 分享





Unit 1 Applying for a Job/求職應聘/1
Dialogue 1:To Recruit New Members/招聘新員工/2
Dialogue 2:Resignation and Replacement/辭職和招聘替補員工/2
Dialogue 3:Replacement/招聘替補員工/4
Job Interview/應聘面試/8
Dialogue 4:About the Job/工作情況/8
Dialoguc 5:Self—Introduction/自我介紹/8
Dialouue 6:To Talk about Work Experience/關於工作經驗/10
Dialogue 7:Accounting Work/會計工作/12
DialogLce 8:Interview for Foreign Exchange Settlement Clerk/面試外匯結算員/12
Dialogue 9:To Talk about the Salary/討論薪水/18
Dialogue 10:To Talk about Compensation and Benefits/討論薪酬和福利/18
Unit 2 To Start Work,開始工作/25
To Welcome New Colleagues/歡迎新同事/26
Dialogues 1:To Show a New Staff around/帶新員工熟悉公司/26
Telephone Calls/接聽電話/28
Dialogue 2:To Redirect a Telephone Call/轉接電話/28
Dialogue 3:Telephone Call for Reservations/電話預定/28
Dialogue 4:Telephone Call for Appointment/電話預約/30
Dialogue 5:Reception before an Appointment(Ⅰ)/約見前招待客人(1) /30
Dialogue 6:Reception before an Appointment(Ⅱ)/約見前招待客人(2) /32
Dialogue 7:To Talk about Work (Overworked and Overstressed)/探討工作 (工作和壓力過大)/34
Dialogue 8:To Talk about Work (Going Overseas on Business)/工作交流(國外出差)/34
Dialogue 9:To Meet Clients/接機/36
Dialogue 10: To Entertain Clients/招待客戶/36
Unit 3 Executive Affairs/行政事務/41
To Arrange a Conference/會議安排/42
Dialogue 1:To Make Arrangement for an Annual Conference/安排年度會議/42
Dialoguc 2:To Review Details ofa Meeting/重審會議細節/42
Dialoguc 3:To Talk about Agenda/商討會議細節/44
Dialogue 4:To Receive Visitors/接待訪客/44
Dialogue 5:To Meet a Client/(機場)接客戶/46
Dialogue 6:To Entertain a Client/宴請客戶/46
Dialogice 7:Recreation/娛樂活動/48
Other Daily Matters/其他日常事務/48
Dialogue 8:To Deal with Express Delivery/處理快遞/48
Dialogue 9:To Coordinate with Colleagues/協調工作/50
Dialogue IO:To Buy SmaIIArticles/購置用品/50
Unit 4 Import and Export Department(Ⅰ)/進出口部門(1) /57
Dialoguc 1:Enquiry for Hardware/對硬件進行詢價/60
Dialogue 2:Enquiry for Machine Tools/對機床進行詢價/62
Dialoguc3:Enquiry for Women’’s Dress/對女式連衣裙進行詢價/62
Offer, Counter Offer, and Acceptance/發盤、還盤和接受/68
Dialoguc 4:Offer for Raincoats/對雨衣進行發盤/68
Dialoguc 5:Counter—offer for Discount/就折扣進行還盤/70
Dialogue 6:Acceptance of Payment Terms/接受付款條件/72
Dialogue 7:Counter Offer for Wholesale Price/對批發價進行還盤/72
Dialogue 8:Acceptance ofa Discount/接受折扣/74
Dialogue 9:Acceptance of a Price and Payment Terms/接受價格和付款條件/74
Unit 5 Import and Export Department(Ⅱ)/進出口部門(2) /79
Dialogue 1:Packing for Pliers/鉗子包裝/82
Dialoguc 2:Suggestions for Stronger Packing/建議加固包裝/84
Dialoguc 3:Asking for Neutral Packing/要求中性包裝/84
Dialogue 4:Packaging for Blouses/襯衫包裝/86
Dialogue 5:Packing for Flowers/鮮花包裝/88
Payment and Shipment/付款與運輸/94
Dialogue 6:Payment by L/C and D/P/信用證和付款交單付款方式/94
Dialogue 7:To Talk about Transshipment/商談轉運事宜/94
Dialogue 8:To Talk about Shipment Options/商談幾種運輸方案/96
Dialoguc 9:Asking for Higher Insurance Amount/要求更高的保險金額/104
Dialogue 10: Insurance for Ceramics/為瓷器投保/104
Dialogue 11: To Talk about Claim Settlement/商討索賠事宜/106
Unit 6 Payment/支付事宜/113
Dialogue 1:Suggesting Payment by D/P/建議付款方式為付款交單/116
Dialogue 2:Payment by L/C/信用證付款/116
Dialogue 3:Payment by Installment/分期付款/118
Dialogue 4:To Urge the Establishment of the L/C/催開信用證/118
Dialoguc 5:Payment by T/T/電匯付款/120
Dialogue 6:Negotiation on L/C in Euro/協商開具歐元信用證/120
Dialogue 7:Negotiation on Payment in Cash/協商現金付款/122
Dialogue 8:Request for Easier Ways of Payment/請求采用更便捷的支付方式/122
Dialogue 9:Modification of an L/C/修改信用證/124
Dialogue l0: Payment by Time L/C/遠期信用證付款/124
Unit 7 Business Negotiation/商務談判/131
Barter Trade/易貨貿易/132
Dialogue 1:How about a Barter Trade?/來筆易貨貿易怎麼樣?/132
Dialogue 2:How to Conduct a Barter Trade?/易貨貿易怎麼做?/132
Compensation Trade/補償貿易談判/134
Dialogue 3:Compensation Trade in China/在中國進行補償貿易/134
Processing and Assembling Trade/加工與裝配貿易談判/136
Dialogue 4:Looking for a Partner for Processing Trade/尋找加工貿易的合作伙伴/136
Dialoguc 5:Assembling Trade/裝配貿易/136
Agency and Commission/商務代理/142
Dialoguc 6:Talks on Sole Agency for Sneakers/商討運動鞋獨家代理權/142
Dialogue 7:Talks on Sole Agency for Wrist Watches/商討腕表獨家代理權/144
Dialoguc 8:To Renew a Sole Agency Agreement/續簽獨家代理協議/146
Dialogue 9:To Appoint an Agent/任命代理商/148
Dialogue 10: Suggestion on Having an Agent/關於尋找代理商的建議/148
Unit 8 Marketing(Ⅰ),市場部(1) /153
Market Research&Market Plan/市場調查/156
Dialogue I:A Market Research on On—Iine Shopping/關於網上購物的市場調查/156
Dialogue 2:How Is Market Research Carried Out?/如何進行市場調查?/156
Dialogue 3:Developing a Market Plan Based on Market Research/基於市場調查制定營銷 計划(Ⅰ)/158
Dialogue 4:Developing a Market Plan Based on Market Research/基於市場調查制定營銷 計划(Ⅱ)/160
Marketing Campaigns/市場營銷/164
Dialogue 5:Advertisement on TV/電視廣告/164
Dialogue 6:Advertisement on Intemet/因特網廣告/164
Trade Fair/交易會/166
Dialogue 7:Trade Fair on Garments/服裝交易會/166
Dialogue 8:Trade Fair on Leather Products,皮革制品交易會/166
Dialoguc 9:Different PromotionalActivities/各種促銷活動/168
Dialoguc l0: Promotional Event on Real Estate/房地產促銷活動/168
Unit 9 Marketing(Ⅱ)/市場部(2)/175
Dialogue I:How to Use an E—mail?/如何使用電子郵件?/176
Dialogue 2:Bulk E—mail/群發郵件/176
Dialogue 3:How to Use an E—wallet?/如何使用電子錢包?/178
To Buy Things on Line/網購/180
Diatogue 4:How to Buy Things on Line?/如何進行網購?/180
Dialogue 5:To Buy Tickets Online/網上購票/180
Dialouue 6:To Set Up a Shop Online/開網店/182
Dialogue 7:Business ofan Online Shop/網店主意/182
Dialogue 8:Requirements of a Good Website/好網站的要求/184
Dialoguc 9:To Make a Website Known/提高網站知名度/186
Dialogue 10: Webpage/網頁/186
Unit 10 Marketing(Ⅲ)/市場部(3) /191
Unit 11 Complaints/投訴 /213
Unit 12 Business Travel(Ⅰ)/商務旅行(1)/237
Unit 13 Business Travel(Ⅱ)/商務旅行(Ⅱ)/265
Unit 14 Run—up to the Year End/臨近年終/293
Unit 15 General Manager/公司總經理/315
Unit 16 To Be Listed/公司上市/335


  • ISBN:9787313140944
  • 規格:354頁 / 21 x 14.8 x 1.5 cm / 普通級 / 1-1
  • 出版地:中國




  • 【語言學習】2024凱信|開企電子書全書系書展,精雕細琢「語言腦」,豐富表達力,也鍛鍊思考力,全展82折起





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