The Newman Lectures on Thermodynamics

The Newman Lectures on Thermodynamics

  • 定價:2089

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Prof. Newman is considered one of the great chemical engineers of his time. His reputation derives from his mastery of all phases of the subject matter, his clarity of thought, and his ability to reduce complex problems to their essential core elements. He has been teaching undergraduate and graduate core subject courses at the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley), USA, since joining the faculty in 1966. His method is to write out, in long form, everything he expects to convey to his class on a subject on any given day. He has maintained and updated his lecture notes from notepad to computer throughout his career. This book is an exact reproduction of those notes.

The book presents concepts needed to define single- and multi-component systems, starting with the Gibbs function. It helps readers derive concepts of entropy and temperature and the development of material properties of pure substances. It acquaints them with applications of thermodynamics, such as cycles, open systems, and phase transitions, and eventually leads them to concepts of multiple-component systems, in particular, chemical and phase equilibria. It clearly presents all concepts that are necessary for engineers.



John Newman is Charles W. Tobias Chair of Electrochemistry (emeritus), Department of Chemical Engineering, UC Berkeley. He was also a senior scientist and principal investigator at the Energy Technologies Area (ETA), Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), Berkeley, California, USA. His current research focuses on the analysis and design of electrochemical systems, with batteries, fuel cells, turbulence, and renewable energy receiving the most attention.

Vincent Battaglia is a research scientist at LBNL, where he heads the Energy Storage Group of the ETA. He received his PhD in chemical engineering from UC Berkeley with an emphasis in electrochemical engineering. He specializes in battery design, fabrication, and testing, and his current research focuses on the science of electrode formulation as it relates to manufacturing and performance.



  • ISBN:9789814774260
  • 規格:精裝 / 378頁 / 23.1 x 15 x 2.3 cm / 普通級
  • 出版地:英國




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