El Mundo Tal Y Como Es / The World as It Is: A Memoir of the Obama White House

El Mundo Tal Y Como Es / The World as It Is: A Memoir of the Obama White House

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  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
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Qu deseas saber sobre el ala oeste de la Casa blanca?.

Todas las crisis internacionales de la presidencia de Obama contadas desde dentro.

Ben Rhodes era un aspirante a escritor que empez a redactar discursos para un joven senador con ambiciones presidenciales en 2006. Sali de la casa Blanca diez a os m s tarde, tras haber vivido en primera l nea de la pol tica internacional toda la convulsa presidencia de Barack Obama.

Escrita con un gran talento narrativo, esta obra es el extraordinario retrato de un pol tico extraordinario, as como la cr nica de ocho a os en los que un grupo de j venes brillantes intent cambiar el mundo para acabar descubriendo lo resistente que es. Rhodes cuenta algunos de los momentos m s conmovedores, tensos e importantes de la administraci n Obama: la captura de Bin Laden, la respuesta a la Primavera rabe, el acuerdo nuclear con Ir n, las negociaciones secretas con el gobierno cubano para normalizar las relaciones, y la confrontaci n del resurgimiento del nacionalismo y el nativismo que culminaron con la elecci n de Donald Trump.

A la espera de las memorias de Obama, este es sin duda el mejor libro sobre aquellos a os.


From one of Barack Obama's closest aides comes a revelatory behind-the-scenes account of his presidency--and how idealism can confront harsh reality and still survive--in the tradition of Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.'s A Thousand Days: John F. Kennedy in the White House.

For nearly ten years, Ben Rhodes saw almost everything that happened at the center of the Obama administration--first as a speechwriter, then as deputy national security advisor, and finally as a multipurpose aide and close collaborator. He started every morning in the Oval Office with the President's Daily Briefing, traveled the world with Obama, and was at the center of some of the most consequential and controversial moments of the presidency. Now he tells the full story of his partnership--and, ultimately, friendship--with a man who also happened to be a historic president of the United States.

Rhodes was not your typical presidential confidant, and this is not your typical White House memoir. Rendered in vivid, novelistic detail by someone who was a writer before he was a staffer, this is a rare look inside the most poignant, tense, and consequential moments of the Obama presidency--waiting out the bin Laden raid in the Situation Room, responding to the Arab Spring, reaching a nuclear agreement with Iran, leading secret negotiations with the Cuban government to normalize relations, and confronting the resurgence of nationalism and nativism that culminated in the election of Donald Trump.

In The World as It Is, Rhodes shows what it was like to be there--from the early days of the Obama campaign to the final hours of the presidency. It is a story populated by such characters as Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Hillary Clinton, Bob Gates, and--above all--Barack Obama, who comes to life on the page in moments of great urgency and disarming intimacy. This is the most vivid portrayal yet of Obama's worldview and presidency, a chronicle of a political education by a writer of enormous talent, and an essential record of the forces that shaped the last decade.

Advance praise forThe World as It Is:

"Ben Rhodes is one of the most brilliant minds and powerful storytellers I've ever known. In The World as It Is, he doesn't just bring you inside the room for key moments of Obama's presidency, he captivates you with the journey of an idealistic young staffer who becomes the president's closest friend and advisor--a journey that both cynics and believers will find riveting and hopeful."--Jon Favreau



Ben Rhodes nació en Nueva York en 1977. Se graduó en Humanidades por la Universidad Rice (Texas) y tiene un máster de bellas artes en escritura creativa por la Universidad de Nueva York. Entre 2009 y 2017, Rhodes desempeñó el cargo de asesor adjunto de Seguridad Nacional del presidente Barack Obama. Se ocupaba de la supervisión de las comunicaciones de la Administración estadounidense relacionadas con la seguridad nacional, de la redacción de discursos y de la diplomacia pública. Antes de pasar a formar parte del equipo de gobierno de Obama, trabajó como redactor de discursos y asesor de política exterior en su campaña presidencial, a la que se incorporó en 2007. Es coautor, junto con Thomas Kean y Lee H. Hamilton, de Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission, el relato acerca del modo en que la Comisión del 11-S logró publicar su famoso informe.



  • ISBN:9788499929897
  • 規格:平裝 / 576頁 / 22.9 x 14.7 x 4.1 cm / 普通級
  • 出版地:美國




  • 【博客來|日文】軍武迷集合,日文軍事書任2刊9折









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