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  常常不經意的想起,在華麗的米蘭大教堂前,邂逅了熱情女孩們的那一天。 It often occurs to me the day when I came across some passionate girls at the Milan Cathedral.

  Milano, Italy  從長頸鹿到斑馬,這世界轉了270度。 然而, 在台北萬華舊城區,年近90歲的許陳春枝女士每天依然點起樂活的煙。 在躍動的伊斯坦堡,勤奮的機械男每天依然帶著篤定的笑準時上工。

  The world takes a 270 degree turn, from giraffe to zebra. However, in the old town area of Wan-Hwa, Madam Hsu, a nearly 90 years old lady, still lights up her cigarettes, as her little daily joy of life. In the vibrant Istanbul city, a hard-working mechanic still smiles with certainty while going to work on time as always.

  習慣定期把累積的作品列印出來,隨性貼於工作室內的大牆面,除了欣賞,也讓自己可以在同時閱覽數百張照片當中,激發出多元化的創作靈感。某個深夜,眼光再次快速掃描於作品間時,宜蘭蘇澳港邊海產店水族箱內,那隻展鰭舞蹈的獅子魚,巧遇了法國巴黎拉發葉百貨公司的雄偉華麗天頂。兩張作品有如多年分隔兩地的老友般,在我腦海中彼此呼喚,讓我發覺了他們微妙的連結關係,也開始對於大牆上其他的故事感到好奇。  基隆野柳沿岸奇特的海蝕地形,曼谷機場內豔麗輝煌的外幣兌換小鋪。 伊斯坦堡市集內琳琅滿目的瓷器行,萬華外婆家充滿溫暖回憶的小廚房。 坐落於台北與基隆間深山裡的小土地公廟,十四號月台前弧形挑高的米蘭車站。 外牆前衛的多倫多博物館,奧地利鄉村小旅館擺著乒乓球桌的花園。 大阪粉紅色調餐廳裡的快步西裝男,波士頓哈佛廣場上的孤獨吉他手。  相稱的圖騰,相容的色調,相似的結構,相連的故事,還是每次按下快門瞬間相同的心靈悸動,讓照片們彼此有了連結。編輯成冊,讓人閱覽時每翻過一頁,內心都有不同的共鳴,有時驚艷,有時會心一笑,並且同時探索品味著左右兩頁間微妙的故事。  翻閱華麗邂逅,如果你也有小小共鳴,我真是幸福至極。

2013.12.10 於東京


  Once in a while, I would print out a few of my photos and display them on a wall in my personal studio. I do so not only to appreciate the works, but also hope some sparks would come out of me. One late night, while I was browsing the picture display again, two special photos caught my eye. One is a shot of a lionfish in a fish tank of a restaurant in Suao, Yilan harbor. The other is a shot of the extravagant interior of the Lafayette mall ceiling in Paris. These two photographs seem like two old friends who finally reunited after years of separation. They appeared to be communicating. In my mind, a peculiar connection between them surfaced. Right on that point, my curiosity germinated and I couldn’t stop thinking about what dialogues I could find among the photos on the big studio picture wall.  People always say “A picture says more than a thousand words.” However, for me, “2 pictures say more than a thousand stories.” describes my feelings better. The following are some examples of the dialogue pairs.  The spectacular landscape of Yehliu, created from natural wind erosion, in contrast with a small money exchange office in Bangkok airport. The huge variety of porcelain shops in Istanbul city in contrast with the small kitchen of my grandma’s home with my warmest memories from childhood. A small Chinese temple located on a hill between Taipei and Keelung in contrast with Milan station view from platform 14th. The stern walls of Toronto museum versus a flower garden with a ping pong table at its center taken from a small village hotel in Austria. A man in a neat suit walking with quick steps through a pink interior restaurant in Osaka versus a guitar player in Boston Harvard Square.  Pictures with contrast/similar colors or structures, connecting stories, or breath taking scenes which bring similar impacts to me when I push down the shutter are usually what create unique stories and bonds amongst every photo pair of mine. They are edited this way into this book. By doing so I hope the same feeling I feel about the photo pairs can be conveyed to the viewers as they look through them. I can’t be happier if they do. 

2013.12.10  Tokyo






  2011 維多麗亞酒店專屬攝影師
  2009 學學文創志業專屬攝影師
  2007 東元電機股份有限公司至今
  2006 東京寫真學園職業攝影師課程修了
  2005 東京大學生物環境工學專攻 博士
  2002 東京大學生物環境工學專攻 碩士
  1997 中興大學農業機械工程學系 學士

  2012 維多麗亞酒店一樓大廳主牆影像創作 ; 台灣
  2005 聯展「惜夏」; Gallery LE DECO ; 日本

  2007 「遇見新故宮」; 雅凱文化 ; 台灣  (場景攝影)
  2007 「幻象東京」; 春天國際 ; 台灣
  2005 「365DAYS BIRTHDAY PRESENTS」; 雷鳥社 ; 日本  (合著)
  2003 「傾聽的耳朵」; 樂透文化 ; 台灣  (攝影取材)  受訪/
  2007 「過癮3男人成功無國界」; Special Report ; Esquire君子雜誌 No.25 ; 華克文化 ; 台灣
  2007 「幻象東京」; MOD熱門話題新書介紹 ; 中國電視公司 ; 台灣
  2007 「探索不一樣的東京」; 下班女王 ; 飛碟電台 ; 台灣


  A hard worker who deeply loves photography

  2011 Special Photographer, Grand Victoria Hotel, Taiwan
  2009 Special Photographer, Xue Xue Institute, Taiwan
  2007 Senior Manager, TECO Electric and Machinery Co., Ltd., Taiwan
  2006 Professional Photographer Certification, Tokyo Shashin Gakuen, Japan
  2005 Ph.D., Biological and Mechanical Eng., The University of Tokyo, Japan
  2002 Master, Biological and Mechanical Eng., The University of Tokyo, Japan
  1997 Bachelor, Agricultural and Machinery Eng., National Chung Hsing

  University, Taiwan  ACTIVITY/
  2012 Image Creation for Grand Victoria Hotel 1F Lobby, Taiwan
  2005 Group Exhibition 「SEKIKA」, Gallery LE DECO, Japan

  2007 「Meet the New National Palace Museum」, Acoustiguide Asia Ltd., Taiwan (Gallery Photos)
  2007 「MIRAGE DE TOKYO」, Spring International Publishers Co., Ltd., Taiwan2005     「365DAYS BIRTHDAY PRESENTS」, Raichosha Inc., Japan (Co-photographer)
  2003 「Qing Ting De Er Duo」, Phoenix Culture Publishing Co., Ltd., Taiwan (Co-Photographer)

  2007 「WE ARE THE WORLD」」 Special Report, Esquire Magazine No. 25, Hwa Ker Publishing Co., Ltd., Taiwan
  2007 「MIRAGE DE TOKYO」, MOD Hot Issue for New Books, China Television Co., Ltd., Taiwan
  2007 「Explore a different Tokyo」, Off Work Queen, UFO Broadcasting Co., Ltd., Taiwan




  有別於2007年出版的「幻象東京」中,那樣有計畫性,專注的觀察一個城市。「華麗邂逅」這作品集,主要是留日回台進入職場的這六七年來,走過土耳其,印度,日本,美國,加拿大,泰國,印尼,馬來西亞,菲律賓,英國,奧地利,捷克,德國,荷蘭,義大利,法國,新加坡,中國大陸,以及深愛的台灣,所留下來的痕跡。移動的目的,可能是市場研究,可能是見見老客戶,可能是參加好友婚禮,可能只是休息休息,或者,也可能是因為今天由我當班照顧小寶貝,就帶著三片尿布推著嬰兒車,往有燦爛陽光及清涼空氣的後山小公園走去。回想這幾年,已經好久好久沒有真正為了攝影而出門了。然而,對環境敏銳觀察的習慣以及成為職業攝影師的夢想,始終沒有離開過我,因此我的Canon 5D與1DX,也始終陪伴著我移動,無論這趟出門是為了什麼。




2014.01.05 於台北


  I have always dreamed of being a professional photographer. However, this dream has yet to come true.  In my Taipei home, with basic skills and concepts I’d learned back in Tokyo, from time to time I would set up an indoor studio crop to take photographs of my wife. With delicate lighting, trying to do it the professional way for a fashion magazine supermodel feels like my professional photographer dream coming true.

  Apart from my book “Mirage de Tokyo” published in 2007, a systematic observation on Tokyo,  “Encounter” on the other hand is an unexpected collection of photographs taken during the seven years after I returned to Taiwan from Japan, when I managed to travel in Turkey, India, Japan, the United States, Canada, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, the United Kingdom, Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, France, Singapore, China, and of course my beloved Taiwan.  The purposes for those trips varied. It could be for market research, visiting my clients, attending a good friend’s wedding, or simply walking towards the park to get some fresh air and sun while babysitting my son, with three diapers and my son in the stroller. Reflecting on those years, taking photos had never been the reason for trips. However, my never-declining sensitiveness towards the environment around me and my photographer dream kept me taking photos. No matter what the purpose of my outing was, my Canon 5D and 1DX never failed to explore with me.

  I will be a professional photographer. Yes, I am sure one day I will.

  The publishing of  “Encounter” was delayed for two years. I would like to thank Mrs. HSU, Fong-Mei, and Mrs. TSAO, Shih-Hsing. These two great mothers never stopped encouraging me and never failed to nag at me to continue my photographer road, and to accomplish every goal of mine. If it were not for them, buried in the busy work and life routine, I could have easily neglected my dreams.

  Last but not least, I would like to thank my wife Valerie for her never-ending support on my photography voyage.

2014.01.05 Taipei



  • ISBN:9789866000935
  • 規格:精裝 / 168頁 / 15 x 21 x 2.35 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣




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