Big In Business(大商的味道【英文版】)
  • 定價:420
  • 優惠價:79331
  • 優惠期限:2024年09月08日止
  • 運送方式:
  • 臺灣與離島
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  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
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  A Book with Chinese treasured wisdom of being leaders and advisers.

  The first book published in both Chinese and English in the history of book publishing in Taiwan.

  Learn and understand the brilliant spirit of Taiwanese people.

  42 Taiwanese noble entrepeneurs’ inspiring stories and their secret for success.

  A classical book recommend by the deans of Chung-Hua Institution of Economic Research , Taiwan Research Institute , three economist and two celebrities.






  Life is not about getting and having.
  It’s about giving and being. – Kevin Kruse

  Special Dedication to:
  Dr. Ivan Misner® and Beth Misner
  Mr. Norm Dominguez
  Andrew Hall and Ji-Hong Hall

  For Changing the Way the World Does Business®


  Chung-Shu Wu President of CIER(中華經濟研究院 吳中書 院長)

  President of CIER( Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research)

  Chien-Fu Lin President of TIER(台灣經濟研究院 林建甫 院長)
  President of TIER( Taiwan Institution of Economic Research)
  It will be a miraculous leap if this book becomes the best-selling book. This a good book full of the spirit of Taiwan. I urge every Taiwanese people read it thoroughly.

  Kuo-Chien Yu Professor(劍湖山世界休閒產業集團 游國謙 副董)
  In short this book is rigorous yet lively, elegant yet imaginative. It is highly recommended to give your friend one and keep one for yourself. Put it next to tour bed, read one or two chapters before going to bed. Cleaning your soul and enhance your wisdom .It would be a wonderful deed that everyone should have this book. The truth and the justice is our eternal life guiding stars.
  It is worthy for more praising.

  Bing-Yuan Hsiung Professor(台灣大學經濟系 熊秉元教授)
  Professor, Department of Economics, National Taiwan University
  I am moved therefore I share. I support therefore I recommend.
  This book is like a beacon. The beacon that lights up the hop for economics breakthrough. And the beacon that shows that ideal purpose of lives.
  I want to say: We appreciate your devotion. I hope that your influence and spirit as noble entrepreneurs will spread to each corner in Taiwan.
  Big in Business! I like it!

  Kan-Nan Chen Professor(淡江大學化學工程與材料工程學系 陳幹男)
  Professor, Department of Chemical and Material Engineering, Tamkang University
  Work hard and work smart! This I my line! Hsu, Hung realized my words in life that I’m so moved. I recommend this book which has the most energy in the world, for the element that cannot be found in periodictable of the elements, and that is the soul of the success.

  Po-Hsun Hsiao, Associate Professor(國立台灣體育運動大學 蕭柏勳 副教授)
  Associate Professor, National Taiwan University of Sport
  For Hsu Hung and Hsing Hui’s big heart , he can contain all matters worldly; and his humbleness allow him to accept all the goods as well. His heart has no attachment so it is free. The Taste of Huge Business is sweet. Let’s appreciate the taste.

  Long Ou-Yang Taipei City Council(台北市議員 歐陽龍)
  To read a book is profitable, especially this one. To seek interests for my people, especially in a huge way.
  Glorifying Taiwan starts by Business Pioneers.

  James Yu CEO of HoldFuture
  The Hsing-Hui I know is a person who never gives up in giving abundant and valuable exchange. She truly believes one’s life must matter. She keeps on giving and walks the talk of helping others. Throughout this book , she has combined her thoughts, and if any story has touched your heart, it is result of her efforts.



Hsu Hung(許宏)

  Master of Tamkang University Chemistry Department

  Qualified experience in industries from research, development, production, planning, marketing and selling. A full range of professional manager.

  He has served as general counsels for dozens of small and medium enterprises. He is also a super incentive lecturer. He is also a professional copy writer.

  Present serve as:
  CEO of The Hung Young Bio-tech Group.
  CEO of The HYBT Essential Oils Art Factory
  CEO of The HYBT Cosmetics Factory
  General manager of The FALALEY International Ltd.
  General manager of The World English

  Best-selling books:
  The Achievement flash,
  The Cosmetology flash,
  The Marketing flash,
  The Leader flash.

  Hot Courses:
  1. Constellation and Blood type for cooperation operating
  2. Constellation and Blood type for customer service
  3. Leadership with Spirit of Life Number Essential oil
  4. Interpersonal relationship
  5. Combat for successful postulating

Huang, Hsing-Hui (黃心慧)

  Master in Advertising Management

  Master in simultaneous translation with matching Emotional Level and facial expressions

  Her spiritual style of interpretation in controlling the mood of the audiences on the spot is her unique power

  Present serve as:
  Executive Director of The World English
  Promoter of the Make Taiwan Seen Movement
  Practicer of Givers Gain
  Cultivator Lend a Hand Movement
  Inspirator of Platforms of Business Referrals
  Duplicator of Board and Success Organizing

  Hsu, Hung is abbreviated to H2.
  Huang, Hsing-Hui is abbreviated to H3.
  The combination is the best as number 1.
  Therefore, it is called H5N1.
  H5N1 will use the topic to give out global speeches.
  Let the world smell the fragrance of from Taiwan.


Table of Contents
Recommendation I – Chung-Shu Wu, President of CIER
Recommendation II – Chien-Fu Lin, President of TIER
Recommendation III – Kuo-Chien Yu, Professor
Recommendation IV – Bing-Yuan Hsiung, Professor
Recommendation V – Kan-Nan Chen, Professor
Recommendation VI – Po-Hsun Hsiao Associate Professor
Recommendation VII – Long Ou-Yang, Taipei City Councilor
Recommendation VIII – James Yu, CEO of HoldFortune

Everyday matters – Norm Dominguez
Don’t Let your Past Failure Define your Future – Hsing-Hui Huang
OMG, I’m an Introvert!? – Ivan Misner®
Culture Eats Strategy For Breakfast–Ivan Misner®
Business Voices Dream Team Webinar with Beth and Ivan Misner– Beth Misner

I. Mindset
1. Big in Business – Noble Business People
2. The Spirit of Taiwan
3. Marketing
4. Word of Mouth
5. The Source of Money is more Powerful than Money itself
6. Gentlemen Love Money and They Get it in a Proper Way
7. Culture – Code of Honor
8. Confront It

II. Creating an Effective Network
1. System
2. Choose your Environment
3. Generating Referrals in Referral Groups
4. Support
5. Kung Fu
6. Expansion
7. Cooperate Without Competition – Everyone Matters

III. Building Productive Relationship
1. Accountability
2. Leadership
3. Lead Ourselves
4. Ownership
5. The “Right” People
6. Addition by Subtraction
7. Trust – I think I can.
8. Yes, I do! (Earn our Trust!)
9. Exchange and Help

IV. Effective Marketing Strategy
1. Lifelong Learning
2. Create Value
3. Plans and Programs
4. Ask the Right Questions
5. Super Power Team
6. Time

V. Referral Strategy
1. Interpersonal Relationship
2. Motivational Competition
3. Tools, Resources, Support
4. The Law of Reciprocity
5. The Art of Chatting

VI. Integrating into Life
1. Your Contribution Lives On
2. Create a Platinum Chapter
3. When There Is a Will, There Is a Way
4. Discover 922
5. 42 Chapters Written with Spirit
6. The 42 Common Traits of Noble Entrepreneurs

1. The Eco-Soldier – Min-Ying Fang
2. The Sea Prince who takes care of everything – Chung-Lin Wang
3. The Practice and Development of Entrepreneurs – Cheng-Hung Wu
4. The creator of literature and art work – Hsien-Hung Wu
5. The Fortune Keeper – Meng-Yen Lee
6. Steady and Serious Carpenter – Min-Lang Ho
7. Determination is his Key to Success – Wen¬Hsiung Cho
8. Strive to Step Forward – Cheng-Yuan Lin
9. Unyielding Belief – Hsin-An Lin
10. The Law of Attraction Accountant – Chun-Ting Lin
11. Queen of Military Residences – Chun-Jung Lin
12. Soul Guidance – Kuei-Ju Lin
13. A “None Business” Woman – Jin-Wu Lin
14. The Confidence Chemise Maker – Yan-Ting Lin
15. The Magician who Brings Boundless Pleasure – Chuan-Hsiang Wu
16. Spread Your Wings and Fly Away – I-Jui Hung
17. A Man that No Words can describe Him Properly – Hsu, Hung
18. Optimistic All the Time – Feng-Jung Hsu
19. Splendid with Victory – Yi-Hung Hsu
20. The Sensational Happiness – Meng-Yu Chang
21. Empathy Brings Fortune – Chung-Hsiu Huang
22. A Never Surrender Spirit – Hsing-Hui Huang
23. The Aromatherapy Trainer – Yen-Kai Huang
24. Learn More and Earn More – Feng-Sheng Huang
25. Selfless Sharing – Chih-Ming Peng
26. Undefeated Real Estate Tycoon – Po-Hong Ku
27. A Legend from Mount Chilai – Yin-Shan Tang
28. Steadfast and Preserving – Chi-Fu Yang
29. Messenger of Love – Ying-Shun Liao
30. The Record of Happiness and Blessings – Chia-Chin Liao
31. Energetic Happiness Maker – Yung-Chieh Chao
32. The Secret Diary of Liu Nai Ba (Nanny Liu)’s Internet Business – Fang-Yu Liu
33. Gratitude for the Real Benefactor – Bang-Ning Liu
34. Starting Over from the Beginning – Su-Ling Kuo
35. The Blueprint in My Heart – Chung-Yi Chen
36. Born to be a Star – Jun-Han Chen
37. Innocuous Ecological Angel – Chin-Miao Lai
38. Award winning The Architect who gives Life to his Buildings – Yin-Tso Lai
39. Muse for Realizing Dreams of Self-esteem – Wen-Ju Tsai
40. Focus and Vision – Chih-Hong Hsiao
41. Earnestness and Sincerity – Chih-Hang Cheng
42. Fortune Goddess – Ssu-Yu Chung


  • ISBN:9789865728519
  • 叢書系列:學習館
  • 規格:平裝 / 416頁 / 14.8 x 21 x 2.08 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣









  • 【商業理財-商業】商業周刊電子書暢銷展:實踐理想自己,閱讀,找到工作/生活/自己的平衡與幸福,單書88折、雙書82折







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