When the editor asked me to write a book on Chinese Dim Sum, I said yes without hesitation. I'm actually a baker and Chinese Dim Sum doesn't seem to be my business at all. But after years of learning and working, I found a real culinary artist must not be restricted by any geographical or categorical boundary. I started out as a pastry chef, but I switched to bakery later on. The knowledge I acquired in a patisserie didn't go wasted. In fact, I always incorporate some pastry skills in my bread. Another major influence on my bakery is Chinese Dim Sum. People say music is the universal language. I'd say food is the universal bridge of communication. Good food speaks to anyone and everyone, across all races.
Chinese Dim Sum has a profound culinary history and there are countless variations from different parts of China. Every county has its own signature sweets and snacks. As a hotchpotch of cultures, Hong Kong is valued for its eclectic mix of quality Chinese food, including Hakkanese, Chaoshan, Beijing, Shanghainese, Huaiyang and Cantonese cuisines.
Hong Kong doesn't grow its own grain crops. But its central location favoured the importation of raw materials from all over the world. We consume botanical produce such as grains, vegetables, fruits, and animal produce such as poultry, meat and seafood on daily basis. The same raw materials are also put together creatively in Dim Sum making, for buns and snacks that serve either as staples or as a combination of staples and non-staples. Certain recipes also make great festive munchies.
Countless ingredients are used to make cakes and snacks.It comes down to the regional palate and availability of certain ingredients. Before we can make snacks and cakes with authentic taste, smell and look, we must master the basic knowledge on ingredients; understand their categories, properties and uses; how they are processed and used, and their classic combinations. I categorized the recipes in this book into 4 sections – homestyle dumplings, Chinese puff pastries, cakes and buns. Most of them are of either Cantonese or Beijing/ Shanghainese origin.
記得多年前曾看過一部電影《吐司》,這是改編自英國名廚奈傑史萊特的(Nigel Slater)的同名自傳(Toast: The Story of a Boy's Hunger)同名回憶錄。電影主角利用美食抓住父親的胃不只是個手段,後來更成為與後母一較高下的利器,二人互相較勁的一道點心「檸檬蛋白霜派」令我印象深刻。對我來說,美味的點心是視覺、聽覺的雙重享受;就像「炸棗」時;油在鍋內輕快彈跳的聲音、「烤杏仁餅」時;烤箱滋滋作響的呼喚、攪拌麵糊時;溼搭黏稠的聲音,種種的視覺和聽覺,總喚起我對中式點心最心動的記憶。
在色彩繽紛、外型多變的點心世界中;中式點心顯得較為刻板,圓就是圓,扁就是扁,鮮少有變化。當我得知《無包不歡》榮獲2013 世界美食家圖書大獎的作者獨角仙(仙姐),即將在台灣出版這本《流行中式點心》時,感到非常地雀躍。她將「中式點心」融入了變化,啟用了創新,在每道甜點中運用了麵包的做法,巧妙的做出各種不同的風味點心。如同作者所言:「假如音樂是世界的語言,飲食更是世界溝通的橋梁」。 相信沒有人是不喜歡吃的。作者居住在香港,利用自然食材來製作各式點心:茶粿、酥點、糕點……,內容豐富,值得大家一窺究竟。希望讀了這本書的讀者,也能做出屬於自己的中式點心,讓中式點心得以一代接一代的繼續承傳下去。
《懷舊糕餅90 道》、《懷舊糕餅2 》 作者――呂鴻禹師傅