We should forgive those who unintentionally hurt us and not be easily hurt by others. (出自《靜思語第一集》,第七篇)
As a family, we should not focus on enjoying material comforts; we should place our emphasis on genuine communication, which can bring harmony to our relationships. (出自《靜思語第二集》,第十六篇)
Unconditional giving is not a privilege of the rich but an utmost sincere love. (出自《靜思語第一集》,第五篇)
If we have a bad temper and a sharp tongue, we cannot be considered a good person even if we have a good heart. (出自《靜思語第一集》,第十篇)
When we are calm, happy, and clearheaded, we will be able to think clearly and speak appropriately. (出自《靜思語第一集》,第十篇)