Roadmap 3: English for Life and Work

Roadmap 3: English for Life and Work

  • 定價:580
  • 優惠價:9522
  • 本商品單次購買10本85折493
  • 運送方式:
  • 臺灣與離島
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  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
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  Roadmap is a four-skill textbook with engaging up-to-date topics that have been carefully chosen to reflect the world of work, as well as key general contexts. Users of this book will be given ample practice in highly relevant English vocabulary, idioms, and expressions, and they will become familiar with essential grammar points. They will also learn a wide range of valuable listening and reading test-taking strategies that will help equip them to do well on the TOEIC test. Strategies covered include: skimming, scanning, vocabulary deduction, fast reading, time management, paraphrasing, understanding implied information (inference), and multiple choice techniques.
  ●Focused Practice for the World of Business and General English
  ●Short introductory texts such as a letter, advertisement or notice are presented to introduce the topics.
  ●Longer reading texts such as an email, article, letter, resume or webpage are presented for comprehension. Double texts are included throughout the book to reflect the TOEIC Test.
  ●Authentic, Real-life Listening Practice
  ●Language Notes that explain how the language is actually used
  ●Language Focus that explains the grammar of the language used
  ●Study Skills include Tips for improving listening and reading strategies, helping students achieve a high score on the TOEIC test
  ●Teacher’s Manual with Mini Tests, Practice Test, Answer key, Tape Scripts available
  ●Engaging videos that sharpen and broaden the material in the book


1 Public Relations
2 Education
3 Leadership and Management
4 The Environment
5 Professional Development
6 Music
7 Conferences
8 Home Maintenance
9 Product Development
10 Transportation and Shipping



  • ISBN:9789861478289
  • 叢書系列:聽、說、讀、寫
  • 規格:平裝 / 205頁 / 21.5 x 28 x 1.2 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣




  • 【語言學習】矽谷成功人士的推薦之選!初學者也能成為商業和投資贏家《不懂公式也OK!用統計學思維搞懂投資、商務與育兒》







  • 大雁全書系(止)
  • 上誼領券(9/7-9/18)
  • 新時代展