European Dream and Reluctant Integration in the 21st Century:Lessons for Ongoing Asian Regionalism

European Dream and Reluctant Integration in the 21st Century:Lessons for Ongoing Asian Regionalism

  • 定價:1980
  • 優惠價:91782
  • 本商品單次購買10本85折1683

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  To avoid a repeat of those nationalist nightmares, a common European Dream emerged after WWII, which has since developed into some essential doctrines of European integration. This dream-inspired institutionalist context has framed intergovernmental bargaining, sectoral spillovers and transnational cooperation in European integration. The powerful European Dream has even encouraged Europeans toward closer integration, though they were, quite often, very reluctant to go further. This dream-driven approach and reluctant runner’s model have highlighted some fundamental realities of European integration, extremely inspiring for the future of the EU and the ongoing Asian regionalism.

  This book consists of three parts and thirteen chapters. It aims to explain European integration, the EU’s role in global governance and the EU’s impact upon Asian regionalism with the help of the European Dream approach and reluctant runners’ model. Trump’s unilateralism, the rising tensions between the US and PRC and the COVID-19 pandemic may be a turning point for world politics. Both globalization and global governance have consequently slowed down, giving place to regionalism and inter-regionalism. This book hopes to contribute to the rising debate over European integration, Asian regionalism and EU-Asian inter-regionalism.



Hungdah Su (蘇宏達)

  Professor and Jean Monnet Chair of the Department of Political Science at National Taiwan University, Director-General of the European Union Centre in Taiwan, and President of European Community Studies Association Taiwan (ECSA Taiwan). He served as President of the European Union Studies Association Asia-Pacific during 2017-2018. He is Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts since 2015.


Preface and Acknowledgement
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
Introduction: European Dream, Reluctant Integration and Its External Impact
Part One: How to Advance Reluctant Integration
Chapter 1 Manage Widening to Achieve Deepening
Chapter 2 Transform Multi-Speed Integration into Comprehensive Integration
Chapter 3 Seize ‘Good’ Crises for Further European Integration
Chapter 4 Mobilize the Transnational Elite Cooperation
Part Two: The EU in the Global Governance
Chapter 5 How Can the EU Improve Global Governance in a Dilemma?
Chapter 6 How Can the EU Restructure Trans-Atlantic Cooperation?
Chapter 7 How Can the EU Promote the Trans-Atlantic FTA among Europeans?
Chapter 8 How Should the EU Respond to Asian Countries’European Strategies?
Part Three: The EU and Asian Integration
Chapter 9 EU’s Founding Father and China
Chapter 10 EU Studies in Asia
Chapter 11 The EU Public Diplomacy in Asia
Chapter 12 The EU’s Image in Asia after Brexit
Chapter 13 Will Asian Regionalism Develop into a Union?
Conclusion: European Dream, the EU’s Future and Its Lessons for Ongoing Asian Regionalism

Preface and Acknowledgement

  I started to study European integration in the late 1980s when I was utterly fascinated by the fast-developing Single European Act (SEA). Since then, I have witnessed the ups and downs of European integration. One decade later, Asian countries decided to begin their regional integration after having experienced destructive financial crises as well as shameful bailouts imposed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the US. I, then, started to focus upon Asian regionalism too, often taking references from the European Union experiences. After having studied these two themes for decades, I present, in this book, two innovative concepts−European Dream and reluctant integration. With the help of these two concepts, I try to explain the development of the EU and its evolving roles in global governance and evaluate the competing approaches to Asian regionalism.

  In writing this book, I have benefited from the contributions and support of many people and institutions. I am particularly grateful to four anonymous reviewers for their comments, to Miss Blake Chang, Miss Lynn Chang and Mr. Liam Gibson for their English proofreading, for Novio Liu, Marc Cheng, and Heather Pai for their coordination, for Miss Hsieh and Miss Yen for their editing, for the editorial board for their endorsement and for the National Taiwan University Press (NTU Press) for its firm support.

  Finally, I owe a debt of gratitude I can never repay to my family and my mentors in Asia, Europe, and America. I thank them all.


  • ISBN:9789863504146
  • 叢書系列:臺灣歐洲聯盟研究叢書
  • 規格:精裝 / 512頁 / 15 x 21 x 3.4 cm / 普通級 / 部份全彩 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣


Introduction: European Dream, Reluctant Integration and Its External impact
A majority of European leaders had dreams in world politics; however, they were often in competition and, even worse, in conflict. From Louis XIV to Napoleon, the French dreamed of dominating the whole of Europe with their once most robust army and subtle diplomacy. Following their realpolitik, the Germans tried to implement their European designs by launching two world wars. The Spanish and Portuguese once dreamed of dividing the world into two parts by themselves while the Austrians and Hungarians worked together to maintain their multi-ethnic duo empire. Furthermore, the British Empire even once seemed to be eternal. All of these dreams led the Europeans into ever bloodier wars in the 20th century, ending with destruction and disasters.
It was not until these European dreams turned into a collective nightmare in the World War II (WWII) did the Europeans start to dream about a shared future. It is under such circumstances that the ‘European Dream’ emerged as a powerful engine launching, supporting and guiding the European integration in the aftermath of WWII. This European Dream aims to constitute eternal peace in Europe based upon reconciliation through integration. It has developed into some fundamental doctrines structuring European integration.




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