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  The most comprehensive, up-to-date introduction to the theory and practice of artificial intelligence

  The long-anticipated revision of Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach explores the full breadth and depth of the field of artificial intelligence (AI). The 4th Edition brings readers up to date on the latest technologies, presents concepts in a more unified manner, and offers new or expanded coverage of machine learning, deep learning, transfer learning, multiagent systems, robotics, natural language processing, causality, probabilistic programming, privacy, fairness, and safe AI.


  Offer the most comprehensive, up-to-date introduction to the theory and practice of artificial intelligence

  ‧ Nontechnical learning material introduces major concepts using intuitive explanations, before going into mathematical or algorithmic details. The nontechnical language makes the book accessible to a broader range of readers.

  ‧ A unified approach to AI shows students how the various subfields of AI fit together to build actual, useful programs.

  ‧ UPDATED - The basic definition of AI systems is generalized to eliminate the standard assumption that the objective is fixed and known by the intelligent agent; instead, the agent may be uncertain about the true objectives of the human(s) on whose behalf it operates.

  ‧ In-depth coverage of both basic and advanced topics provides students with a basic understanding of the frontiers of AI without compromising complexity and depth.

  ‧ The Author-Maintained Website at http://aima.cs.berkeley.edu/ includes text-related comments and discussions, exercises, an online code repository, Instructor Resources, and more!

  ‧ UPDATED - Interactive student exercises are now featured on the website to allow for continuous updating and additions.

  ‧ UPDATED - Online software gives students more opportunities to complete projects, including implementations of the algorithms in the book, plus supplemental coding examples and applications in Python, Java, and Javascript.

  ‧ NEW - Instructional video tutorials deepen students’ engagement and bring key concepts to life.

  ‧ A flexible format makes the text adaptable for varying instructors' preferences.

  Stay current with the latest technologies and present concepts in a more unified manner

  ‧ NEW - New chapters feature expanded coverage of probabilistic programming (Ch. 15); multiagent decision making (Ch. 18 with Michael Wooldridge); deep learning (Ch. 21 with Ian Goodfellow); and deep learning for natural language processing (Ch. 24 with Jacob Devlin and Mei-Wing Chang).

  ‧ UPDATED - Increased coverage of machine learning.

  ‧ UPDATED - Significantly updated material on robotics includes robots that interact with humans and the application of reinforcement learning to robotics.

  ‧ NEW - New section on causality by Judea Pearl.

  ‧ NEW - New sections on Monte Carlo search for games and robotics.

  ‧ NEW - New sections on transfer learning for deep learning in general and for natural language.

  ‧ NEW - New sections on privacy, fairness, the future of work, and safe AI.

  ‧ NEW - Extensive coverage of recent advances in AI applications.

  ‧ UPDATED - Revised coverage of computer vision, natural language understanding, and speech recognition reflect the impact of deep learning methods on these fields.




Stuart Russell


Peter Norvig



I Artificial Intelligence
 1 Introduction
 2 Intelligent Agents

II Problem-solving
 3 Solving Problems by Searching
 4 Search in Complex Environments
 5 Constraint Satisfaction Problems
 6 Adversarial Search and Games

III Knowledge, reasoning, and planning
 7 Logical Agents
 8 First-Order Logic
 9 Inference in First-Order Logic
 10 Knowledge Representation
 11 Automated Planning

IV Uncertain knowledge and reasoning
 12 Quantifying Uncertainty
 13 Probabilistic Reasoning
 14 Probabilistic Reasoning over Time
 15 Making Simple Decisions
 16 Making Complex Decisions
 17 Multiagent Decision Making
 18 Probabilistic Programming

V Machine Learning
 19 Learning from Examples
 20 Knowledge in Learning
 21 Learning Probabilistic Models
 22 Deep Learning
 23 Reinforcement Learning

VI Communicating, perceiving, and acting
 24 Natural Language Processing
 25 Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing
 26 Robotics
 27 Computer Vision

VII Conclusions
 28 Philosophy, Ethics, and Safety of AI
 29 The Future of AI
 Appendix A: Mathematical Background
 Appendix B: Notes on Languages and Algorithms


  • ISBN:9781292401133
  • 叢書系列:大學電子
  • 規格:平裝 / 1170頁 / 17 x 23 x 5.85 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 4版
  • 出版地:台灣




  • 【考試用書、教科書】2024寶瓶文化電子書全書系:閱讀陪你,探索世界也療心,單書85折、雙書82折







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