

  • 定價:350
  • 優惠價:79276
  • 優惠期限:2024年11月08日止
  • 運送方式:
  • 臺灣與離島
  • 海外
  • 可配送點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
  • 可取貨點:台灣、蘭嶼、綠島、澎湖、金門、馬祖
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( 未選購加購品 )

















Chapter 1 Enquiring about Holding a Conference會議諮詢
Section 1 Interpretation Activities
A. Sentence Interpretation
B. Passage Interpretation
Section 2 Speaking Activities
A. Specialized Terms
B. Sample Conversation
C. Functional Expressions
D. Role-play

Chapter 2 Booking an Event招展商會展預訂
Section 1 Interpretation Activities
A. Sentence Interpretation
B. Passage Interpretation
Section 2 Speaking Activities
A. Specialized Terms
B. Sample Conversation
C. Functional Expressions
D. Speaking Up
E. Role-play

Chapter 3 Event Planning and Budgeting會展策劃與預算
Section 1 Interpretation Activities
A. Sentence Interpretation
B. Passage Interpretation
Section 2 Speaking Activities
A. Specialized Terms
B. Sample Conversation
C. Functional Expressions
D. Speaking Up
E. Role-play

Chapter 4 Providing Exhibit Information提供展覽資訊
Section 1 Interpretation Activities
A. Sentence Interpretation
B. Passage Interpretation
Section 2 Speaking Activities
A. Specialized Terms
B. Sample Conversation
C. Functional Expressions
D. Speaking Up
E. Role-play

Chapter 5 Visiting Foreign Exhibitors拜會贊助商
Section 1 Interpretation Activities
A. Sentence Interpretation
B. Passage Interpretation
Section 2 Speaking Activities
A. Specialized Terms
B. Sample Conversation
C. Functional Expressions
D. Speaking Up
E. Role-play

Chapter 6 Negotiating on Exhibiting Space展位談判
Section 1 Interpretation Activities
A. Sentence Interpretation
B. Passage Interpretation
Section 2 Speaking Activities
A. Specialized Terms
B. Sample Conversation
C. Functional Expressions
D. Speaking Up
E. Role-play

Chapter 7 Hiring A Stand申請展位
Section 1 Interpretation Activities
A. Sentecce Interpretation
B. Passage Interpretation
Section 2 Speaking Activities
A. Specialized Terms
B. Sample Conversation
C. Functional Expressions
D. Speaking Up
E. Role-play

Chapter 8 Personal Sales Calls銷售拜訪(電話)
Section 1 Interpretation Activities
A. Sentence Interpretation
B. Passage Interpretation
Section 2 Speaking Activities
A. Specialized Terms
B. Sample Conversation
C. Functional Expressions
D. Role-play

Chapter 9 Hiring People and Loaning Properties租借物品/租用人員
Section 1 Interpretation Activities
A. Sentence Interpretation
B. Passage Interpretation
Section 2 Speaking Activities
A. Specialized Terms
B. Sample Conversation
C. Functional Expressions
D. Speaking Up
E. Role-play

Chapter 10 Safety and Security Service安保服務
Section 1 Interpretation Activities
A. Sentence Interpretation
B. Passage Interpretation
Section 2 Speaking Activities
A. Specialized Terms
B. Sample Conversation
C. Functional Expressions
D. Speaking Up
E. Role-play

Chapter 11 Helping with Post-Conference Logistics會後物流服務
Section 1 Interpretation Activities
A. Sentence Interpretation
B. Passage Interpretation
Section 2 Speaking Activities
A. Specialized Terms
B. Sample Conversation
C. Functional Expressions
D. Speaking Up
E. Role-play

Chapter 12 Opening and Reception開幕與酒會
Section 1 Interpretation Activities
A. Sentence Interpretation
B. Passage Interpretation
Section 2 Speaking Activities
A. Specialized Terms
B. Sample Conversation
C. Sample Closing and Thank-you Speech
D. Functional Expressions
E. Speaking Up
F. Role-play

Chapter13 Attending the Event參加展會
Section 1 Interpretation Activities
A. Sentence Interpretation
B. Passage Interpretation
Section 2 Speaking Activities
A. Specialized Terms
B. Sample Conversation
C. Functional Expressions
D. Speaking Up
E. Role-play

Chapter 14 Reserving Post Conference Tours會後旅遊預訂
Section 1 Interpretation Activities
A. Sentence Interpretation
B. Passage Interpretation
Section 2 Speaking Activities
A. Specialized Terms
B. Sample Conversation
C. Functional Expressions
D. Speaking Up
E. Role-play

Chapter 15 Event Review Meetings會後總結
Section 1 Interpretation Activities
A. Sentence Interpretation
B. Passage Interpretation
Section 2 Speaking Activities
A. Specialized Terms
B. Sample Conversation
C. Functional Expressions
D. Speaking Up
E. Role-play



  • ISBN:9786263571402
  • 規格:平裝 / 240頁 / 14.8 x 21 x 1.2 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣


Sample Conversation
Read aloud.
Situation: A foreign planner calls the sales office of Taipei Convention and Visitors Bureau. He asks various questions about holding an annual association conference in the city. The clerk at the reception desk is answering him by providing the information the caller enquires about.
Clerk: Taipei Convention and Visitors Bureau. May I help you?
Planner: Yes. I'm John Stevens, calling from New Orleans. We're planning to hold a conference in your city. So I was wondering if you could give me some relevant information.
Clerk: It's a pleasure. What would you like to start with?
Planner: Would you tell me if we could hold the conference at a hotel or at a convention center of the city?
Clerk: It all depends. For how Many attendees?
Planner: About 60 people.
Clerk: Then I think a medium-sized meeting room will do. All hotels in the city each have conference centers offering such meeting rooms.




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