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  A complete treatment of the entire lifecycle of flexible flat panel displays, from raw material selection to commercialization.

  In the newly revised Second Edition of Flexible Flat Panel Displays, a distinguished team of researchers delivers a completely restructured and comprehensive treatment of the field of flexible flat panel displays. With material covering the end-to-end process that includes commercial and technical aspects of the technology, the editors have included contributions that introduce the business, marketing, entrepreneurship, and intellectual property content relevant to flexible flat panel displays.

  This edited volume contains a brand-new section on case studies using the Harvard Business School format that discusses current and emerging markets in flexible displays, such as an examination of the use of electronic ink and QD Vision in commercial devices.

  Perfect for professionals working in the field of display technology with backgrounds in science and engineering, Flexible Flat Panel Displays is also an indispensable resource for professionals with marketing, sales, and technology backgrounds, as well as senior undergraduates and graduate students in engineering and materials science.


  From raw material selection to device prototyping, manufacturing, and commercialization, each stage of the flexible display business is discussed in this insightful new edition. The book also includes:

  - Thorough introductions to engineered films for display technology and liquid crystal optical coatings for flexible displays.

  - Comprehensive explorations of organic TFT foils, metallic nanowires, adhesives, and self-healing polymer substrates.

  - Practical discussions of flexible glass, AMOLEDs, cholesteric displays, and electronic paper.

  - In-depth examinations of the encapsulation of flexible displays, flexible batteries, flexible flat panel photodetectors, and flexible touch screens.



Darran R. Cairns

  Darran R. Cairns, PhD, is a member of the Faculty in the School of Science & Engineering at University of Missouri - Kansas City, USA. His research interests include solution-based processing of composite materials including sol-gel materials, nano-composite materials, and liquid crystalline materials and composites.

Dirk J. Broer

  Dirk J. Broer, is a Polymer Chemist specialized in polymer structuring and self-organizing polymer networks. This entails the development of polymers with new functionalities and integrating them into devices to meet industrial and societal challenges in the fields of sustainable energy, water-management, healthcare and personal comfort.

Gregory P. Crawford

  Gregory P. Crawford, PhD, is President of Miami University, USA, and Professor of Physics. His research interests include liquid crystal and polymer materials for display and biotechnology applications. He is the editor of the first edition of Flexible Flat Panel Displays (2005).


1. Introduction
2. Engineered Films for Display Technology
3. Liquid Crystal Optical Coatings for Flexible Displays
4. Large Area Flexible Organic Field-effect Transistor Fabrication
5. Metallic Nanowires, Promising Building Nanoblocks for Flexible Transparent Electrodes
6. Optically Clear Adhesives for Display Assembly
7. Self-healing Polymer Substrates
8. Flexible Glass Substrates
9. Toward a Foldable Organic Light-emitting Diode Display
10. Flexible Reflective Display Based on Cholesteric Liquid Crystals
11. Electronic Paper
12. Encapsulation of Flexible Displays: Background, Status, and Perspective
13. Flexible Battery Fundamentals
14. Flexible and Large-area X-ray Detectors
15. Interacting with Flexible Displays
16. Mechanical Durability of Inorganic Films on Flexible Substrates
17. Roll-to-roll Production Challenges for Large-area Printed Electronics
18. Direct Ink Writing of Touch Sensors and Displays: Current Developments and Future Perspectives
19. Flexible Displays for Medical Applications


  • ISBN:9781118751114
  • 叢書系列:實用電子
  • 規格:精裝 / 416頁 / 26 x 38 x 5.82 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣




  • 把握招考機會,布局投考計畫|教材、題庫趨勢、讀書技巧 年中考試書展限時66折起







  • 知遠語言加碼(9/7-9/8)
  • 新時代折20
  • 小天下領券(9/6-9/13)