1.哈啦天氣(例:What nasty weather! 天氣好糟!)
2.哈啦運動(例:Let’s play again! 再來一局!)
3.哈啦購物(例:It’s a bargain. 真划算。)
4.哈啦剪髮(例:I’d like a wash and cut. 我要洗加剪。)
5.哈啦看病 (例: I’m here to see Dr. Johnson. 我跟Johnson醫生預約了看診。)
6.哈啦美食(例:This really melts in the mouth. 入口即化。)
7.哈啦外食(例:What do you recommend. 你有推薦什麼菜嗎?)
8.哈啦下廚(例:I’m a lousy cook. 我的廚藝超爛的。)
9.哈啦電視(例:Don’t spoil it. 別劇透!)
10.哈啦電影(例:I can’t do horror films. 我不敢看恐怖片。)
11.哈啦喝酒(例:I’m a little tipsy. 我有點微醺了。)
12.哈啦唱歌(例:You’ve got a great voice. 你的歌聲好棒。)
13.哈啦派對(例:I’m gonna buy a round. 我來買一輪酒。)
14.哈啦八卦(例:This is just between us. 這件事我只跟你講。)
15.哈啦偶像(例:BTS means so so much to me. BTS對我來說好重要。)
16.哈啦星座(例:You, I’m gonna go with Aquarius. 你,我覺得應該是水瓶座的。)
17.哈啦美妝(例:It always gets cakey. 它老是會浮粉。)
18.哈啦穿搭(例:That looks good on you. 你穿起來挺好看的!)
19.哈啦假期(例:TGI Friday. 謝天謝地,終於星期五了!)
20.哈啦旅行(例:What trip do you have coming up? 你接下來有什麼旅遊計劃?)
21.哈啦旅館(例:Is there anything available for today? 你們今天有空房嗎?)
22.哈啦搭飛機(例:I’m flying Delta Airlines. 我搭達美航空。)
23.哈啦拍照(例:Shall we take a selfie. 我們來拍張自拍吧。)
24.哈啦開車(例:My tank is a almost empty. 我的車快沒油了。)
25.哈啦上廁所(例:I need to take a leak. 我要小便。)