Reflection 倒影 吳書齊爵士樂團
【演奏類】【出版獎】最佳專輯獎:倒影 吳書齊爵士樂團
【演奏類】【個人獎】最佳專輯製作人獎:吳書齊∕倒影 吳書齊爵士樂團
【演奏類】【個人獎】最佳作曲人獎:KEVIN JAMES 林凱文∕TOKYO NIGHT
《倒影 吳書齊爵士樂團》讓人為已故之吳書齊的成績感到無比驕傲也有無限欷噓。(林怡宏)
【演奏類】【出版獎】最佳專輯獎:倒影 吳書齊爵士樂團
【演奏類】【個人獎】最佳專輯製作人獎:吳書齊∕倒影 吳書齊爵士樂團
此張專輯是以雙CD的形式呈現,一張是選自Jazz Standard標準曲目,我們再進一步以三重奏方式做新的編曲;另一張則是集合每位樂手的原創曲目,以爵士四重奏的編制在音樂上做新的嘗試。專輯名稱Reflection 倒影為爵士鋼琴手與作曲家Thelonious Monk的作品,收錄於本次標準曲目中,倒影也隱喻在本張專輯中標準曲與原創曲之間的關連性,對於每位團員的作品,都有受到爵士標準曲的影響,再加上本身的想法,來作一個呈現。
Suchi Wu 吳書齊 - Piano
於1999發行第一張爵士鋼琴原創專輯『存在』,獲頒年度爵士音樂評審團大獎,及"LISTEN最美的聲音"誠品年度回顧推薦音樂。之後受 Lee Morgan 啟發開始研習小號,遠赴比利時三年,師事 Nicolas Schepers,期間並與歐洲各爵士樂手表演。後赴巴黎三年,深受 Benoit Delbecq 影響開始專心從事音樂創作。於2007年推出第二張專輯“鹿港"。
1975 Bron in Kaohsiung City Taiwan.
Suchi studies Jazz from 16 years old due to the album of Oscar Peterson Trio. He released his first album “Pure existence" in 1999, and won The Yearly Jury Awards in Jazz field. Then he studied trumpet by Lee Morga’s inspiring, and went to Belgium to study for 3 years under Nicolas Schepers. At the same period, he played with some of the most respected Belgium musicians. Then he went to Paris for three years and was strongly effected by Benoit Delbecq ,who make him focus on personal composing. Release his 2nd album "Port Deer" in 2007.
Martijn Vanbuel– Double Bass
Bassist Martijn Vanbuel is from Belgium and studied jazz in the conservatory of Leuven, Belgium and at the Superieur Conservatory of Paris, France. He has been performing on stage for more then ten years, playing a wide variety of styles, from Jazz to French Chanson and sharing the stage with some of Belgium most renomated jazzmusicians. He occasionally also performs on piano bass and accordion and composes music.
Pietro Valente – Drums (爵士鼓組由 Cadeson提供贊助)
畢業於義大利羅馬della音樂學院主修Jazz Drum。自8歲開始打鼓,19歲已是專業的鼓手,於Centro Musicale Beethoven教學;並於義大利各地演出,包括Umbria Jazz Winter Festival, Porsche Jazz Festival等。
Born in 1982 and played drum from the age of 8. Gratuated at the Universita della Musica di Roma in Rome( jazz drum specialization) in 2006. In 2004 he was hired as drum teacher at Centro Musicale Beethoven, where now he still teaches in the new modern music section. He played in many important clubs and playhouses in Italy,Shanghai, Taipei; and also in the important music festivals like: Umbria Jazz Winter, Porsche Jazz Festival, Veneto Jazz, International Music Meeting, Vicenza Jazz, Parco Delta Jazz, River Film Festival.
Kevin James – Tenor Saxophone
Kevin James出生於北美大湖區,自9歲開始學習薩克斯風,已有超過30年的演出經歷,並參與多項錄音。於Toledo大學及Maryland大學歐洲分校求學,師事 Dr.Hoch’s Konservatorium 及 Frankfurt Musik Hochschule。與多個音樂團體及機構在歐洲,北美, 中東,中國,日本等超過20個國家巡迴演出。
Born in the Great Lakes region of North America,near the southwest shore of lake Erie. Began playing Saxophone at age 9,and has more than 30 years expirience. Performed as a side man on many recordings.
Attended University of Toledo, University of Maryland(European Campus), Dr.Hoch’s Konservatorium and Frankfurt Musik HochSchule.
Toured and Performed in more than 20 countries in Europe,North Africa, the Middle East, China and Japan with a variety of music groups and organizations.
The Musician List:
鋼琴 Piano:吳書齊 Suchi Wu
低音提琴 Double Bass:Martijn Vanbuel 衛馬丁
爵士鼓 Drums:Pietro Valente(爵士鼓組由 Cadeson提供贊助)
薩克斯風 Saxophone:Kevin James 林凱文
出品 Publisher:倍特音樂有限公司 Better Music Corp.
製作人 Producer:吳書齊 Suchi Wu
錄音師 Recording Engineer:Swing Chang
錄音室 Recording Studio:倍特音樂錄音室現場演出 Live in Better Music Studio
錄音日期 Recording Date:2007-09-02, 09-04, 10-31, 11-24
攝影 Photographer:青艸圓設計 In Azure Design
美術設計 Art Design:青艸圓設計 In Azure Design