

Deserts and Aeolian Desertification in China

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本書內容簡介:Atmospheric protection,biodiversity conservation and combating desertification are environ-mental issues relating to human existence that need to be solved urgently in the new century.Aeolian desertification is one of the most signifcant desertification types。China is one of thecountries suffering from the most serious aeolian desertification in the world。Deserts and aeoliandesertified land in China covers an area of 1.669 million km2,of which aeolian desertified landcaused by human activity covers 385,700 km2。Although the Government of China has been givingtop priority to the control of aeolian desertification,it is still in a situation of Local Rehabilitationand Overall Deterioration,and aeolian desertification is developing continuously and rapidly。Landaeolian desertification in China developed at a rate of 1,60 km2/a during the 1960s—1970s,2,100km/a in the 1980s and 2,460 km2/a during 1990——2000.


Preface One
Preface Two
Part Ⅰ Overview of Deserts and Aeolian Desertification in China
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Progress in desert research in China
1.1.1 An overview of desert research history in China
1.1.2 Progress in desert research of China
1.2 Aeolian desertification research and its progress in China
1.2.1 Initial research into aeolian desertification in China
1.2.2 Progress in aeolian desertification research over the past ten years
1.3 Development trend in the researches of deserts and aeolian desertification in China
1.3.1 Development trend of desert research
1.3.2 Development trend of aeolian desertification research
Chapter 2 Outline on Natural and Socio-economical Features of Deserts and Aeolian Desertified Regions
2.1 Climate
2.1.1 Arid climate evolution in sandy regions
2.1.2 Basic characteristics of the climate in sandy areas in China
2.1.3 Climate zonation of sandy areas in China
2.2 Geomorphology
2.2.1 Regionally controlled geomorphology units
2.2.2 Aeolian geomorphology in sandy areas
2.3 Hydrology
2.3.1 Runoff features in desert regions
2.3.2 Hydrology of rivers and lakes in desert regions
2.3.3 Flood and drought hazards
2.3.4 Groundwater basins
2.3.5 Hydrological regionalization in desert regions
2.4 Soil
2.4.1 Sandy Entisols
2.4.2 Other Sandy Entisols
2.5 Vegetation
2.5.1 Flora
2.5.2 Vegetation types and their distribution
2.6 Social and economic situations
Chapter 3 Classification and Distribution of Deserts and Aeolian Desertified Lands in China
3.1 Classification and distribution of deserts in China
3.1.1 A history of the concept of deserts in China
3.1.2 Classifications of deserts
3.1.3 Distributions of deserts in China
3.2 General characteristics of Chinese deserts
3.2.1 Arid climate and low precipitation
3.2.2 Abundant heat resources and high temperature difference
3.2.3 Frequent blown sand activities
3.2.4 Sparse and low vegetation,and few kinds of animals
3.2.5 Huge sandy sediments
3.2.6 Shifting dunes moving along the dominant wind direction
3.2.7 Little runoff,abundant underground water
3.2.8 Soil formation in the initial stage
3.3 Types and characteristics of aeolian desertification in China
3.3.1 Aeolian desertification and aeolian desertified land
3.3.2 Types of aeolian desertification and aeolian desertified land
3.4 Rules and characteristics of aeolian desertified land distribution in China
3.4.1 Spatial distributions
3.4.2 Temporal trends of aeolian desertification
Chapter 4 Natural Resources in Desert Regions
4.1 Climatic resources
4.1.1 Concept and characteristics
4.1.2 Evaluation of climatic resources in desert regions
4.1.3 Climatic disaster and the exploitation and usage of climatic resource
4.2 Water resources
4.2.1 Water resources in inland desert regions of northwest China
Part Ⅱ Evolution of Deserts and Aeolian Desertification in China
Part Ⅲ Case Study of Deserts and Aeolian Desertification in China
Part Ⅳ Control of Deserts and Aeolian Desertification


  • ISBN:9787030173386
  • 規格:819頁 / 普通級 / 初版
  • 出版地:中國




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