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Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Preliminaries
1.2 The Rationale of Attitudinal Studies on Packing Nouns
1.3 The Objectives of the Present Study
1.4 The Organization of This Study
Chapter 2 Packing Nouns Diffused in Studies of Abstract Nouns
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Traditional-grammatical Studies of Abstract Nouns
2.2.1 The Monistic Approach to Abstract Nouns
2.2.2 The Dualist Approach to Abstract Nouns
2.2.3 The Trichotomist Approach to Abstract Nouns
2.3 Philosophical Studies of Abstract Nouns
2.3.1 The Controversy of the Existence of Abstract Entities
2.3.2 The ”Container” Image of Abstract Nouns
2.4 Systemic Functional Study of Abstract Nouns
2.4.1 Structurally-based Studies of Abstract Nouns
2.4.2 Lexically-based Studies of Abstract Nouns
2.5 Corpus Linguistic Studies of Abstract Nouns
2.5.2 Studies Mentioning the Evaluative Function of Packing Nouns in Passing
2.6 Other Studies
2.7 Summary
Chapter 3 Packing Nouns and Attitudinal Resources in Discourse
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Packing Nouns Revisited
3.2.1 The Cognitive Characteristics of Packing Nouns
3.2.2 The Semantic Characteristics of Packing Nouns
3.3 The Lexico-grammatical Patterns of Packing Nouns
3.3.1 Semantic Co-referentiality and Cognitive Identity
3.3.2 The Lexico-grammatical Patterns of Packing Nouns
3.4 The Interpersonal Information of Packing Nouns
3.4.1 Packing Nouns and Information Loss in Nominalization
3.4.2 The Attitudinal Information of Packing Nouns
3.4.3 Attitudinal and Non-attitudinal Packing Nouns
3.5 Strategies of Attitude Realization in Discourse
3.5.1 Attitude Inscription in Discourse
3.5.2 Attitude Invocation in Discourse
3.5.3 The Interaction of Inscription and Invocation
3.6 Attitudinal Packing Nouns and Attitude Inscription
3.7 Non-attitudinal Packing Nouns and Attitude Invocation in Discourse
3.8 Packing Nouns Redefined in the Framework of Attitude Realization in Discourse
3.9 Summary
Chapter 4 Research Design
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Identifying the Optimally Representative Packing Nouns
4.2.1 The Corpus, the Concordance Tool and the Queries
4.2.2 Data Processing
4.2.3 A Survey of the Results of the Corpus Inquiry
4.3 Analyzing the Attitude of Packing Nouns
4.3.1 The Approach: Corpus-based and Corpus-driven
4.3.2 The Frequency Assumption
4.3.3 From Semantic Preference to Discourse Prosody
4.3.4 Extending and Broadening the Concordance Lines
4.3.5 The Two Frequent Labels in the Attitudinal Analysis of Packing Nouns
4.4 Summary
Chapter 5 Attitudinal Packing Nouns as Resources for Attitude Inscription
5.1 Introduction
5.2 ”Problem” Nouns as the Resources for Negative Appreciation
5.2.1 Appreciation Inscription by ”Problem” Nouns
5.2.2 The Negativity of the Appreciation Inscribed by ”Problem” Nouns
5.3 ”Advantage” Nouns as the Resources for Positive Appreciation
5.3.1 Appreciation Inscription by ”Advantage” Packing Nouns
5.3.2 The Positive Appreciation Inscribed by ”Advantage” Nouns
5.4 ”Anxiety” Nouns as the Resources for Negative Affect
5.4.1 Affect Inscription by ”Anxiety” Nouns
5.4.2 The Negative Affect Inscribed by ”Anxiety” Nouns
5.5 Summary
Chapter 6 Non-attitudinal Packing Nouns as Resources for Attitude Invocation
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Factual Nouns as Resources for Attitude Invocation
6.2.1 General Factual Nouns
6.2.2 Causal Nouns
6.2.3 Evidentive Nouns
6.2.4 Comparative Nouns
6.2.5 Partitive Nouns
6.2.6 Normative Nouns
6.3 Meta-linguistic Nouns
6.3.1 Meta-linguistic Nouns Further Grouped
6.3.2 Propositional Nouns
6.3.3 Illocutionary Nouns
6.4 Mental Nouns
6.4.1 Mental Nouns Further-grouped
6.4.2 Creditive Nouns
6.4.3 Volitional Nouns
6.5 Modal Nouns
6.5.1 Modal Nouns Further Classified
6.5.2 Modalization Nouns
6.5.3 Modulation Nouns
6.6 Eventive Nouns
6.7 Circumstantive Nouns
6.7.1 Manner Nouns
6.7.2 Temporal Nouns
6.8 Summary
Chapter 7 Conclusion and Points for Further Research
7.1 Summaries of General and Specific Findings
7.2 Points for Further Research
Appendix I. The Queries Applied in BNC in This Study
Appendix II. CLAWS5 Tagset
Appendix III. The Frequency Lists of the Pattern N+be+cl Before and After Cleaning
Appendix IV. The 779 Packing Nouns with Z Scores Attached
Appendix V. The 90 Optimally Representative Packing Nouns


  • ISBN:9787030412256
  • 規格:278頁 / 普通級 / 1-1
  • 出版地:中國




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