★滾石雜誌選為「史上百大吉他手」冠軍 搖滾名人堂成員,全球搖滾迷唯一景仰吉他之神,1967年於美國蒙特雷經典現場演出實況進口DVD版
★於歐洲獲得巨大成功後回歸美國本土的首場音樂祭演出實況,原始演出曲序,忠實記錄搖滾名場面-焚燒Fender Stratocaster吉他,搖滾樂迷的最經典時刻
★由原始16mm攝影機全新數位HD& 5.1聲道重製,加贈幕後花絮、音樂祭記錄片、首度曝光之1967年英國Chelmsford現場演出實況影像等精采搖滾史料
1. American Landing, Part 1
San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Some Flowers In Your Hair) (music underlaying words)
Wild Thing (Feedback Sequence) (music underlaying words)
Foxey Lady (music underlaying words)
Hey Joe (music underlaying words)
Stone Free (music underlaying words)
Like a Rolling Stone (music underlaying words)
Purple Haze (music underlaying words)
Are You Experienced? (music underlaying words)
Third Stone from the Sun (music underlaying words)
California Dreamin' (music underlaying words)
2. Intro
3. Killing Floor
4. Foxey Lady
Foxey Lady (music underlaying words)
5. Like a Rolling Stone
Like a Rolling Stone (music underlaying words)
6. Rock Me Baby
Rock Me Baby (music underlaying words)
7. Hey Joe
8. The Wind Cries Mary
The Wind Cries Mary (music underlaying words)
9. Purple Haze
Purple Haze (music underlaying words)
10. Wild Thing
Wild Thing (music underlaying words)
11. American Landing, Part 2
Here He Comes (Lover Man) (music underlaying words)
12. Interview
13. Like a Rolling Stone
Like a Rolling Stone (music underlaying words)
14. Stone Free
Stone Free (music underlaying words)