~~2017年 人間衛視優質動畫《我愛歡喜》榮獲~~
**2017美國金勳章國際影片大賽 動畫卓越獎**
( Accolade Global Film Competition 2017 Awards of excellence)
**2017美國景深國際影展 最佳動畫短片**
( Depth of field International film festival competition 2017 Best of show)
~入圍 ~
Do Good Deeds․Speak Good Words․Think Good Thoughts
“I Love Happiness” is a 3D animation series which content is inspired by selected works of The Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Integrating issues that modern children face, this animated series conveys the spirit of the Three Acts of Goodness (viz. do good deeds, speak good words and nurture good thoughts) through lively and vivid stories.
“I Love Happiness” was carefully produced with today’s society in mind, reflecting elements of modern living. Both young and old can benefit from the simple storyline, learn to care for others, while allowing the virtuous Dharma to nourish their hearts and minds!
Disc 1
11 皆大歡喜 A Happy Ending / 改編「黑虎」
12 猴子兄弟 Monkey Buddy / 改編「滿地跑」
13 爸媽的期待 Parents' Expectations / 改編「修持如調弦」
14 鳳梨酥大戰 Pineapple Cake War / 改編「買鞋加價」
15 快樂做好事 Happiness Comes with Good Deeds / 改編「心香一瓣」
Disc 2
16 神秘老朋友 Mysterious Old Friend / 改編「赤子之心」
17 糾察小英雄 Disciplinary Hero / 改編「佛教靠我」
18 我是大明星 I Am a Super Star / 改編「得失之間」
19 書香滿人間 Enthusiastic Readers / 改編「黎姑」
20 大家來舞獅 Lion Dance / 改編「從善如流」