聖誕老公公最喜歡他的工作了!每當一年一度的聖誕夜來到,他總是快樂地洗個泡泡澡、修剪鬍鬚、擦亮靴子、換上紅外套,駕著麋鹿雪橇,挨家挨戶地分送禮物給全世界的小孩。然而,今年在北極工作的小精靈們抗議了,他們再也受不了聖誕老人總是在最後一刻才拼命趕送禮物。這時,有一名戴眼鏡的小精靈Muckle,宣布他成功製作了一件曠世發明:自動發送機。有了它,從此再也不需要聖誕老人了!聖誕老公公是不是會從此失業呢?繼How Santa Got His Job之後,Krensky和Schindler這對創作搭檔又提供了一則溫馨的聖誕故事。Krensky的情節極具創意,幽默卻又不乏引人深思的訊息。而Schindler的插圖則為故事呈現出豐富精美的背景,充滿趣味的細節更為故事增添了不同的樂趣。
Santa has the best job he can think of -- brining presents each Christmas to children all around the world. Every year he prepares for his trip: He trims his beard, takes a bath, gets dressed, and packs up his sleigh fort he long night ahead. But there are always a few unexpected delays that make things a little hectic. Muckle, one of the elves who helps Santa, thinks he can come up with a more efficient way of delivering the toys -- a method that won''t involve Santa at all.