輪船載著好幾頭大象,漂洋過海來到大城市。一頭、二頭、三頭、十一頭!糟糕,馬戲團只訂了十頭大象耶,最後下船的大象Oliver,就只好面臨流落街頭的命運啦!可憐的Oliver四處問人:「請問我可以當你的寵物嗎?」可是,似乎沒有人想要養一頭大象!直到牠遇到一群公園裡的小朋友,Oliver終於開始發揮牠擅長的遊戲了!作者Syd Hoff透過簡單的故事,教導小朋友明白每個人都有自己獨特的價值,是一本親切溫馨的好書。
Oliver has always wanted to be a dancing elephant, but what will he do when he discovers the circus already has enough elephants? Beginning readers will laugh out loud as they follow Oliver''s adventures and find out how this elephant of unique charm and talent finally achieves his dream. Now available in full color