本書收錄七篇Roald Dahl的短篇小故事,揉合了想像與真實。在”The Boy Who Could Talk To Animals”裡有個巨大的海龜和能與動物交談的小男孩;”The Hitchhiker”敘述一名扒手搭上便車時發生的故事;”The Mildenhall Treasure”則是真實故事喔,描寫男子如何發現寶藏卻又失去了大好機會;”The Swan”則是關於一個聰明男孩遇上惡棍的戲劇性故事;在”The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar”裡,Henry聽說一名印度人有「閉目而視」的特異功能,於是他一心練功準備發大財;而”Lucky Break- How I became a Writer”則是Roald Dahl如何踏上寫作之路的自傳性故事;最後”A Piece of Cake”則是Roald Dahl的第一篇創作,描述他任皇家空軍飛行員時一場令他人生轉變的意外。篇篇精采,不容錯過!
Seven superb short stories from the bestselling author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and The BFG!
The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar is a Netflix Original film!Meet the boy who can talk to animals and the man who can see with his eyes closed. And find out about the treasure buried deep underground. A clever mix of fact and fiction, this collection also includes how master storyteller Roald Dahl became a writer. With Roald Dahl, you can never be sure where reality ends and fantasy begins. "All the tales are entrancing inventions." --Publishers Weekly