This Is Paris可說是一本小朋友的巴黎旅遊指南,故事從居高臨下的艾菲爾鐵塔開始,將巴黎市景盡收眼底,作者先介紹巴黎的貓咪、路人、進而深入介紹各個著名景點,有聖母院、地下鐵、香榭大道、羅浮宮、凱旋門等等,作者使用This is ~來介紹構成浪漫巴黎的各個人、事、景、物,跟著每一頁的插畫與文字,彷彿專業導遊就在身邊,帶讀者進入城市的每個角落。本書於1959年出版,絕版多時,好不容易才於2004年獲得再版機會,書中紀錄的是當60年代的巴黎,很多規定與景點已不復存在,書末有特別註記可參考。
With the same wit and perception that distinguished his charming books on London, New York, and San Francisco, here this famous Czech painter presents his impressions of Paris in This Is Paris, first published in 1959 and now updated for the 21st century. We see its famous buildings, its beautiful gardens, the museums, the sidewalk cafes, and the people who live there -- artists, the concierges, the flower girls, and even the thousands of cats. Take a tour along the banks of the Seine, or through the galleries of the Louvre, or to the top of the Eiffel Tower. Elegant, vivid pictures of one of the most beautiful cities in the world, This is Paris