為慶祝經典童話《綠野仙蹤》出版100週年紀念,「紙的建築師」Robert Sabuda根據該書初版復刻了這本以紙雕藝術重新表現的立體書《The Woderful Wizard of Oz》,創作風格延續原版插畫家W. W. Denslow的木刻雕版畫風;除擷取故事中令人印象深刻的情節以立體化場景詮釋,每頁尚有「書中書」設計的小翻頁,可閱讀到L. Frank Baum原著經典文字的濃縮版。
Robert Sabuda的立體書,絕對不僅僅只有「立體」的感受:隨著翻頁的動作,紙雕開闔之間,透過精密的紙工藝設計,更呈現出令人驚嘆不已的動感!龍捲風捲走了Dorrothy和小狗Toto的家,這段耳熟能詳的情節,在本書中不再只是平面的文字,打開第一頁,大小讀者將驚奇萬分地發現,書裡竟颳起了「真正的」龍捲風!
這是一本絕對值得您珍藏的經典立體書傑作,趕快戴上書中所附的綠色眼鏡,跟著Robert Sabuda驚奇不斷的設計去尋訪翡翠國吧!
Robert Sabuda has created a resplendent pop-up version of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the original publication. This glorious edition is told in a shorter version of L. Frank Baum''s original text, with artwork in the style of W. W. Denslow. With sparkling touches of colored foil and Emerald City eyeglasses, this classic tale is certain to find an honored place on the family bookshelf.