彼得.海斯勒(Peter Hessler) 長期為《國家地理雜誌》、《華爾街日報》、《紐約時報》等撰稿,自1991年即定居於北京,擔任《紐約客》駐中國記者。他生長於密蘇西里州的哥倫比亞市,在普林斯頓主修英文和寫作,並取得牛津大學英國文學碩士。曾自助旅遊歐洲三十國,畢業後更從布拉格出發,由水陸兩路橫越俄國、中國到泰國,跑完半個地球,也由此開啟了他的旅遊文學寫作之路。海斯勒散見於各大雜誌的旅遊文學作品,數度獲得美國最佳旅遊寫作獎。《消失中的江城》一推出即獲得「奇里雅瑪環太平洋圖書獎」,最新旅遊文學力作《甲骨文》並入圍2006年美國「國家圖書獎」非小說類最佳作品。
A New York Times Notable Book
Winner of the Kiriyama Book Prize
In the heart of China's Sichuan province, amid the terraced hills of the Yangtze River valley, lies the remote town of Fuling. Like many other small cities in this ever-evolving country, Fuling is heading down a new path of change and growth, which came into remarkably sharp focus when Peter Hessler arrived as a Peace Corps volunteer, marking the first time in more than half a century that the city had an American resident. Hessler taught English and American literature at the local college, but it was his students who taught him about the complex processes of understanding that take place when one is immersed in a radically different society.
Poignant, thoughtful, funny, and enormously compelling, River Town is an unforgettable portrait of a city that is seeking to understand both what it was and what it someday will be.