★ 充滿樂趣的認時間遊戲書,讓孩子邊玩邊學!
★ 材質堅固硬頁書 X 容易旋轉的指針,方便小手盡情探索
跟著這本時鐘書,孩子邊轉動指針、邊學習認時間,還能幫小鼠波波做一些重要的決定:她會穿什麼? 她會在公園玩什麼? 她上床睡覺時會帶什麼?
Ready to learn about time, or just have a great time? Maisy’s First Clock, reissued in a slimmer, easy-to-manage format, is a sure bet for hours of fun.
It’s eight o’clock, time to get up and check on Maisy! With this sturdy clock book, preschoolers follow their favorite mouse throughout the day—a day much like their own—while learning the basics of telling time on a clock with movable hands. They can also help Maisy make some important decisions: What will she wear? What will she play with in the park? What will she bring with her to bed?