Paul M. Fullmer serves as chaplain at Lebanon Valley College. In 1998 he received the Pritchett Greek prize for excellence in Greek and in 2000 he was awarded the American Bible Society Scholarly Achievement Award for outstanding achievement in biblical studies. He is the author of ’Resurrection in Mark’s Literary-Historical Context’ ( 2006).
Robert H. Smith (1932-2006) served as Christ Seminary-Seminex Professor of New Testament at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkeley, California. Among his books are ’Apocalypse: A Commentary on Revelation in Words and Images’ and ’Easter Gospels: The Resurrection of Jesus according to the Four Evangelists’ as well as commentaries on Acts, Hebrews, and Matthew.
In collaberation with Wipf & Stock, Fullmer and Smith have published a three-volume text for students of New Testament Greek entitled ’Read Greek by Friday’. Volume One presents ’A Beginning Grammar & Exercises’ (2004), Volume Two offers ’Creative Tools for Learning’ (2004) such as songs and crossword puzzles, and Volume Three contains the entire Greek text of the Gospel of John and 1 John (2005) with aids for translating.