在攝影愛好者的圈子裡,由John Sypal主筆的「東京相機風格(Tokyo Camera Style)」部落格幾乎無人不知、無人不曉,當大家上街拍時尚人像時,反其道而行的他卻專注於攝影者手上那台相機。從2008年迄今,他已經在東京街頭拍攝過從LOMO到單鏡反光機等上百張有趣的相機身影,不僅記錄下許多令攝影怪傑迷戀、行家讚歎的底片機機型與特殊鏡頭,同時讓人一窺街拍文化中最重要的攝影裝置如何演變。
本書精選部落格中最稀奇與新奇的300張相機攝影作品,同時對這些相機的主人做出簡單扼要的介紹。為了避免模糊焦點,Sypal都會特意避開相機主人的臉孔,轉而拍攝他們的穿著、飾品、鞋子、特製相機繩或是其它拍攝用具。書中跨頁排版的方式,設計讓兩張不同照片的相機相互呼應,較瀏覽網站更添一份閱讀紙本獨有的樂趣。(文/ 博客來編譯)
Founded in 2008, John Sypal''s blog, Tokyo Camera Style, has a devoted and passionate international following and has inspired a network of similar blogs worldwide. In street portraits taken on the fly, we see Tokyo''s film-camera enthusiasts posing with their favorite photographic equipment. The images not only catalog the amazing range of cameras used by the most obsessive photography geeks but also offer a glimpse into a street culture where the photograph means everything and the camera takes center stage.
Now, 300 of Sypal''s colorful photographs of weird and wonderful cameras and their creative owners have been gathered together in a one-of-a-kind book. Often taken from above, with the camera owners'' faces out of view, the images show telling details that might otherwise have been missed: the clothes, the jewelry, hands and feet, shoes and socks, customized camera straps, and other photography-related paraphernalia. Beyond the wonderful selection of rare, customized, and vintage analog camera makes, models, and lenses are portraits of the individual personalities who make up the avid street photography scene in Japan.