任何一件可供收藏的手工藝品,無論是織品或是親手吹製的玻璃,都是當代居家常見的擺設,製作這些藝品的工匠也日漸成為一般民眾感到好奇、追捧的對象。身兼專業設計師、知名時尚生活部落客的Olivier Dupon在前一本《The New Artisan》出版後,收到讀者的廣大迴響,讓他決定繼續挖掘、拜訪世界上更多極具創意的手工藝製作者,集結最精彩的全新內容呈現在續集《The New Artisan II》裡。
本輯的人物重點是作品多元且創意十足的手工藝匠,全書配有八百張彩色圖片,大致可分成兩個部份:第一部份以人為本,描寫全球風格各異的設計師們生平梗概、創作背景和製作技術,適時搭配工作時的影像記錄、創作手稿與巧奪天工的成品展示。第二部份以物為主,分門別類地介紹珠寶配件、陶瓷、傢俱、餐具、照明、金屬製品與紡織居家用品。(文/ 博客來編譯)
Divided into two sections, The New Artisans II is the ultimate reference to the vibrant, creative world of the handmade. The first section profiles a range of designers, including descriptions of their backgrounds and technical approaches alongside photos of them at work and samples of their stunning creations. This global cast of artisans employs an array of craft traditions including weaving, crocheting, ceramics, paper arts, furniture-making, glass-blowing, metalworking, and more.
The second section is a directory of objects, categorized as art; ceramics; furniture; glasswork; jewelry, clothing, and accessories; lighting; metalwork; papercraft; tableware; decorative textiles and homewares; and functional textiles and homewares.