***ACCUPLACER Verbal Skills Exam Secrets will help you ace the ACCUPLACER Verbal Skills Exam without spending weeks and months on endless, boring study.*** Don’t worry - it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been out of high school, or if you struggled with English classes. With our guide, you CAN pass the ACCUPLACER Verbal Skills exam and get on the path to higher paying and more rewarding jobs. Our comprehensive study guide is written by our very own exam experts. They’ve thoroughly researched every topic and concept that you need to know to ace your ACCUPLACER Verbal Skills Exam. Plus, we reveal specific weaknesses of the exam that you can take advantage of to get a higher test score than you’ve ever imagined. Take a look for yourself at what’s covered: Reading Comprehension, Passage-based Reading: Main Idea, Passage-based Reading: Supporting Detail, Sentence Relationships, Passage-based Reading: Inference, Passage-based Reading: Author’s Purpose/Rhetorical Strategies, Sentence Skills, Agreement, Modifiers, Diction/Logic, Sentence Structure, Sentence Boundaries, and much more...