當代立體書大師Matthew Reinhart精心設計
以備受喜愛的迪士尼公主為主角,由當代立體書大師馬修.萊茵哈特(Matthew Reinhart)設計,書中包含《美女與野獸》貝兒、《睡美人》奧蘿拉、《小美人魚》愛麗兒、《魔髮奇緣》樂佩、《風中奇緣》寶嘉康蒂、《白雪公主》、《花木蘭》……等 11 個迪士尼電影及公主,超過 25 個獨具巧思的立體機關及轉景設計,精細紙藝讓主角和場景栩栩如生。看灰姑娘如何一秒變身,以華麗禮服登場?一起重溫王子親吻睡美人的經典浪漫時刻,並和茉莉公主一同坐上魔毯,展開精采旅程……好看好玩的互動式設計,兼具趣味和收藏性,不管是喜愛迪士尼魔法的孩子,或是始終保有童心的大人,這本立體書都讓人愛不釋手。
Starring the timeless characters that have made the Disney Princess films a treasured part of pop culture and animation history, this visually stunning volume is packed with intricately designed pop-ups, transformative scenes, and many other surprises. This book spans eleven films and princesses, including fan-favourites such as Belle, Snow White, Ariel, and Rapunzel. Through twenty-seven pop-ups and transformative scenes, the key moments from these beloved films leap from the page, and the accompanying text makes this book a wonderful interactive reading experience that families will treasure. Join Cinderella as she transforms for the ball, Jasmine as she embarks on a magic carpet ride, Aurora as she pricks her finger on Maleficent’s spinning wheel and is saved by her prince, and Merida as she bravely fights to decide her own destiny.