V&A Museum 日本浮世繪版畫珍藏明信片組共100張,張張不重覆
日本傳統創作浮世繪Ukiyo-e,是欣賞日本風情最好入門!浮世繪從17世紀起,即為畫師們創作的主要型式之一,主要刻在木頭上,以版畫印刷的方式印在各式日常物件,如扇子上。主題千奇百怪,畫人物(武士, 美人...),也畫山水;畫戲劇角色,也畫青樓情色風流。舉凡當時市井時事、鬼怪傳奇、郷野風景,只要是和人們生活相關,皆為大師們的創作題材。
此套V&A Museum 浮世繪版畫珍藏明信片組,收錄重量級不同時期浮世繪版畫大師作品。畫家包含:葛飾北齋Katsushika Hokusai、歌川國芳Utagawa Kuniyosh、歌川廣重Utagawa Hiroshige、歌川豊春Utagawa Toyoharu、豊原國周Toyohara Kunichika、 歌川芳幾Utagawa Yoshiiku、歌川國貞Utagawa Kunisada、歌川芳艷Utagawa Yoshitsuya、喜多川歌麿Kitagawa Utamaro、春好斎 北洲Shunkosai Hokushu、月岡芳年Tsukioka Yoshitoshi、水野年方Mizuno Toshikata......等人作品共100幅。
Elegantly packaged in a bespoke box, these 100 postcards feature some of the most spectacular examples of artworks made in the age-old woodblock tradition. All sourced from the V&A's outstanding collections, the Japanese Woodblock Print Postcard Box is the third release in the best-selling V&A box set series. Each set celebrates the V&A's status as a source of inspiration for designers, reflecting the unique breadth and depth of a collection that represents over 3,000 years of objects from all over the world. Colourful, bold and moving, these masterpieces acutely capture the vibrancy and atmosphere of their depicted scenes and subjects, from serene waterfalls to crashing waves, from graceful courtesans to celebrity actors.