由英國國寶級演員史蒂芬.佛萊(Stephen Fry)朗讀,以魅力獨具的嗓音,搭配純正的英倫腔,塑造出傳神的人物形象,引導讀者入戲,帶來難忘的閱讀體驗。此外,適中而不過快的語速,更能幫助讀者容易理解內容,亦是聽力練習的良好素材。
由史蒂芬.佛萊演繹的《哈利波特》被譽為世界上最好的有聲書之一,深受各國哈利波特粉絲的喜愛。套書書盒視覺同樣由為英國版《哈利波特》系列小說設計書封的Jonny Duddle操刀設計,內容從第一集哈利首次踏入霍格華茲,到第七集經典的正邪大戰,完整收錄哈利波特迷人的魔法冒險。書盒中包括超過100片CD,總時長124小時56分鐘,讓哈利波特迷可以盡情沈浸在魔法世界。
J.K. Rowling's complete internationally bestselling Harry Potter series brilliantly brought to life by Stephen Fry. From Harry's first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to his final battle with arch-enemy Voldemort, this beautifully packaged CD box set contains over 100 CDs with a total running time of 124 hours 56 minutes, which will keep you enchanted through all seven spellbinding novels in the Harry Potter series, read by Stephen Fry. These new audio editions of the classic and internationally bestselling, multi-award-winning series feature instantly pick-up-able new jackets by Jonny Duddle, with huge child appeal, to bring Harry Potter to the next generation of readers. A marriage made in heaven, Stephen Fry reading Harry Potter The Times One of the greatest literary adventures of modern times. Spellbinding, enchanting, bewitching stuff.